Chapter Nine: Bathing and Bribing

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Enjoy all!~ XD

Disclaimer; I do not own Homestuck or the lyrics to the songs I add...Unless I get bored and decided to make up my own.

Chapter Nine: Bathing and Bribing

I was covered in goop and not enjoying being so. Flicking my bat, and sending several glops of black goo flying, I looked around at the chaos I had just caused.

Chuckling, I made my way to the bathroom, unconciously dancing.

Once in it, I burst out laughing.



And it had no black goo..cant forget that.

Setting down my iPod, I turned and blocked the door using my bat as a thing to make it not open. I locked the door for good measure before turning to the window and doing the same to it.

Walking back to my iPod, i turned it on and made the music blare through the bathroom as I began to undress, letting the goop covered clothes fall to the floor.

I decided to sing along to the music as one of my favorite song's came on.

If I had known about the recorder I would have kept my mouth it was, I didn't, and therefore sang to my hearts content.

"Feel the adrenaline

Moving under my skin!~"

I threw my jacket to the side.

"It's an addiction

such an eruption!~"

I grinned as I let my pants fall after unbuttoning them.

"Sound is my remedy

Feeding me energy

Music is all I need!~"

I stepped out of the pants.

"Baby I just wanna dance!~"

I began to do so.

"I don't really care

I just wanna dance

I don't really care.. care.. care!~"

I threw my bra to the side, having been undoing its clips as I sang and danced.

I was so talented...

(You can feel it in the air... yeah)

"She's been a crazy dita

Disco diva and you wonder!~"

I grinned and slipped off my underwear.

"Who's that chick? Who's that chick?!~"

I danced a few dance moves, looking gypsy-like.

"Too cold for you to keep her

Too hot for you to leave her!~"

I tok off my glasses, putting them on the cabnit as I swished my hips while I walked to the shower.

"Who's that chick? Who's that chick?!~"

I jumpped into the shower, chuckling. Turning the water on high, I reached for the shampoo and began to lather it in my hair as I continued to sing.

"Back on the dance floor better not to take me home

Bass kicking so hard blazing through my beating heart!~"

This song always hit me..felt like I went through what the lyrics said as 'that chick'.

"French kissing on the floor, heart is beating hardcore

Heard everybody is getting a little tipsy off the crazy juice!~"

I snickered in my mind, no way I'd drink.

"This will end up on the news!~"

I finished shampooing my hair and started working on getting the black goop off of my body.

By the time I had fully washed, the song was over and a new one had begun. Wrapping the towel around my body, I began to slowly dry myself. Once done I looked around.

It was then..that I noticed I was without clothes..

"Oh hell no!"

But yeah..naked..with only my goopy clothes and my towel..

I groaned, barely stopping the facepalm I wanted to give to myself, before I snugly wrapped my towel aound myself. I snagged my glasses, put them on, then grabbed both my bat and iPod.

I absentmindedly looked around the bathroom before I sighed and unlocked the door. a sea of them..

What happened after that...would never be spoken of again..

By the time I made it back to my room, I was panting and quite sure at least two hours had passed. I slammed the door behind me and growled.

"UGH! I just took a shower!"

I was covered in goop..again.

Sighing, I sat my bat and iPod down before wiping as much goop as I could off of my body with the towel and making my way to my closet. It took some digging around before I found a really nice outfit.

Checkered shot shorts; check.

Sleeveless gray shirt with straps; check.

My bad ass red jacket; check.

I put them all on after I had put my underwear on.

Fully dressed and feeling semi clean, I made my way to my rolley chair while smiling.

Only to pale and stare in horror at the words my brother had sent me.

--turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering musicalMuse [MM] at 2:20--

TG: is there a reason i now have a recording of you singing a embarassing song..even if it is rather good?

MM: ..I have no idea what your talking about...

TG: oh really? -link- then i can let bro see this then?

After clicking on the link and listening to it, I paled even more.


TG: ...i may or may not have put a recorder in your place out of boredom to see how you got your ideas for irony.

My eye twitched.

MM: You let Bro hear that and I swear!

TG: you swear what?

MM: I will..

TG: ?


--turntechGodhead [TG] flips his shit --

MM: Thats what I THOUGHT!

TG: sis! you wouldnt!

MM: I would...

TG: deleteing

--turntechGodhead [TG] deleted the link and all copies of musicalMuse's singing --

TG: that good?

MM: Yes..yes it is.

TG: i gtg sis..jade's messaging

MM: Righto.

--turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering musicalMuse [MM] at 2:37--

As Dave leaned back in his chair, a smirk graced his lips.

The folder that held his sisters singing was quickly minimized.

This was wonderful bribing material..and he could use his sisters voice while making some awesome beats.

Oh yes...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2012 ⏰

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