"Hyung! Refill mine too." Jimin was about to give his bottle but Yoongi shook his head.

"Go ahead and refill yours yourself." He only said and left the room.

Jimin whined and catched up to him.


"You're too obvious Hyung." Jimin told me and laughed.

"I drank from her bottle and I emptied it, I should refill it as a thanks." I told him with a shrug.

"Yeah right... And you're watching her all the time." Jimin chuckled at me.

And I can't help but blush and flinch.

"I'm not watching her." I muttered as I refilled (Y/N)'s bottle.

"Okay sure." Jimin calmed down and refilled his after I did.


After rehearsing, my friends invited me to eat with them.

So I went to this fast food chain where we always eat at.

I was shocked to see Yoongi there and he was shocked to see me too.

"Hey! You should have come with me if you're going to eat here." I told him and chuckled.

"I didn't know though." He chuckled as well.

"Eonnie!" Someone shouted and I looked at my four friends.

"Hey, you mind eating with us?" I asked him.

"Not at all." He shrugged and we went to my friends' table.

"So what do you want to eat?" I asked my friends and they immediately told what they want.

"Okay... What about you Yoongi?" I asked him.

"I'll go and order with you." He said and stood up.

I catched up to him who lined up already.

I stood next to him and noticed that he's quite taller than me.

I looked at him and notice him looking at me which made me blush.

"You're too nice you know." Yoongi muttered when I looked away.

"What do you mean?" I asked him while I feel my cheeks if they are burning.

And they are.

"You asked them what they want as soon as you sat, that must mean that you always order for them huh?" He asked as we walked when the line moved.

"I'm the eldest out of all of them, I felt like it's an obligation." I shrugged.

"No it's not, you're just nice." He said which made me blush.

No one ever told me that I'm nice... Not even my friends.

But I don't held a grudge, I don't show them that I cared about that anyways.

After we order, we went back to our table.

I drank my cola when my friend asked something.

"Are you and him together Eonnie?" She asked which made me choke.

I kept on coughing as Yoongi rubbed my back.

I swear, I felt the cola go up to my nose.

"N-No we're not!" I struggled to say.

I looked at Yoongi and saw a slight pink of blush on his cheeks.

I can't help but blush as well when I finally calmed down.

My friends just laughed.

I promise I'll kill them later.


'Take our Eonnie home safely.' they said and left me to Yoongi after we ate.

"I'm sorry about my friends." I muttered as we walked to the station.

"Nah it's fine, they're nice." He chuckled.

A moment of silence came before I talked.

"Uh... Hey, thank you for what you said earlier." I felt heat rise up my cheeks again.

"What'd I said?" He asked looking at me.

"About me being nice." I muttered.

"You are nice you know, you're a great person... And people just don't notice it." He said and stopped walking that's why I looked at him as I stopped as well.

"How would you know?" I looked away with a blush.

"Uhh... Don't be creeped out but... I kept watching you." He said and when I looked at him, he was slightly blushing with a frown and looking away.

He's too cute for my health.

He looked at me again and I stared back at him, "You always put others first than yourself, whenever we rehearse you always tell someone they are doing great when I can tell that you wanted to hear that too."

"When we eat, you always ask if they need something so that you can get it for them."

"You even take care of our sick members and gives them ginger tea."

"You're just too nice you know."

"I-I didn't know you notice me doing all of those." I said and looked down.

"I knew that you wanted someone to take care of you like you take care of others... So..." I looked at him who was blushing furiously.

"Can I be... The one to take care of you?" He asked looking at me but still can't help being flustered.

I can't help but be flustered at his confession as well.

"S-Sure... I would love to." I said.

"I-I mean I want to be your boyfriend if that wasn't clear."

"Of course I knew that!"

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