Day 19 - Art (LAMP)

Start from the beginning

Sometime later, Roman decided to start unpacking. Not a lot of his furniture was there yet, so it was mostly emptying the contents of his suitcase onto the floor so he could take it back to his parent's house to keep packing his things. He was interrupted by a knock on the door. Expecting it to be Patton, he plastered a wide grin on his face.


"Dude calm down. It's just me."

Seeing Virgil in the doorway caused Roman's cheeks to turn bright red. His romanticism took hold of his actions as he decided to do what he does best.

"Are you sure it's just you? I really don't think the 'just' is necessary. It is you, after all." Roman trilled. Expecting Virgil to blush, he leaned in close and smirked.

Virgil only raised an eyebrow. "Okay... I was just gonna tell you that I'm leaving. If Patton comes, tell him I'll be back at 12 tomorrow."

Roman pulled away and glared. "Sure."

Virgil rolled his eyes and walked away, leaving Roman to close his door. Had Patton not been there throughout the day? Patton had told Roman that he had some stuff to pack up in his old place and that he'd be there later. Roman though he would've been there to greet his friends at least. Maybe not.


Roman stumbled through his front door after a particularly troubling day at work. He dumped his satchel by the coat rack and shrugged off his jacket, not bothering to hang it up. Patton seemed like the kind of person who would be annoyed by that, but he still hadn't shown up. Roman strode over to the sofa and collapsed back over the arm, letting out a groan as his back hit the cushions.

"You okay?"

Roman tilted his head to the side, arm thrown over his forehead. Virgil was standing on a stepladder, smirking slightly. Only getting another grunt in response, he put his paintbrush and bucket down and climbed down the ladder. Crouching next to Roman, he carded his fingers through Roman's hair.

"Rough day?"

Roman sighed and offered Virgil a weak smile. "Yeah."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No." Roman smirked and turned to the side, propping himself up on one elbow. "I wanna forget about it."

Virgil blushed at the implication. "That can be arranged."

Roman leaned in and pressed a lingering kiss to Virgil's lips. In the two weeks Virgil had been painting the base for the mural, Roman had managed to confess his feelings and they'd got into a relationship. Well, confess is one word for it.


"Get the fuck out of my way!"

"Out of your way? Get out of my way!"

Roman was currently covered in red paint, drenching his shirt and splattered onto his face. Virgil was carrying paint out of the door as Roman came in. Roman, not seeing Virgil, had smacked right into him. The paint had swung forward, pissing off the already pissed off Roman.

"You just wasted my paint!"

"You shouldn't have walked into me then!"

"I didn't walk into you, you walked into me!"

Neither of them had realised at Roman was slowly walking forward, sending them both back into the apartment. Virgil gasped as he hit the wall, bringing both out of their angered haze. Roman became very aware of how close they were. He also became very aware of the open bucket of purple paint sitting on the table to his right. Without a second thought, he dunked his hand in it and smeared it over Virgil's face.

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