The Invasion of the Meowtians: The Destruction of Meowers

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Eons ago, in the Griffin Constellation elsewhere, we come upon a tiny planet alive with abundant and thriving beings. Meowers is home to the Meowtians, which have called it home, since its creation. Nevertheless, nothing lasts forever...

Meow, I am Kitta! I am a smaller Meowtian with short hair and some stripes. I will be catapulting you into the lives of us Meowtians. So, sit back, grab some Nibble and hold on to your rump ropes.

CHAPTER 1: Journey to the Fortress

As we stroll down the pathway to the Fortress that resembles the look of us Meowtians, the pure beauty of Meowers takes your breathe away. You can find countless amounts of plants, trees, small creeks, and the perfect amount of sunshine to sunbathe in. No wonder we call this home. As usual, not all is what it seems. No place is perfect, because someone just has to ruin it for everyone.

Let me introduce you to Katjie, a small dark Meowtian. He just happens to be the closest Meowtian on the way to the Fortress. Unfortunate for him, Katjie is in confinement at the local Pokey. It looks like he did so much poking, that he has managed to half way escape. (Me Giggling)

Katjie is our resident troublemaker. He is always causing and/or getting into trouble, because he has to have everything his way. His parent's always gave him what he wanted, so not being able to get what he wants from others, makes him angry. There is no telling what he did this time.

KATJIE: (With his rump stuck inside the pokey.) "They will pay for this! It is not my fault, they just happened to be in the way of my flying paw and sharp teeth. I do not like being told, "No!"

Yep, every place has one of those.

Not far from the Pokey, we pass by The Nibble Shop. The shop is ran by Dr. Kotka, who is one of the larger Meowtians covered in spots, and knows all there is to know about Nibble. This plant is most favorable to the Meowtians for relaxation. Dr. Kotka has developed the plant to be eaten, because the smell can cause some crazy chaos. Lucky for us, he has no reaction to the smell anymore.

Dr. Kotka was a Nibble consumer in his younger years. He had a bit of the same issues as Katjie. He was always getting into trouble. One day, he decided to change his ways. He still wanted the Nibble, but spent his time learning a better way to consume it. He has never told anyone how to came to learn such thing.

You will usually find Kote hanging out here a lot. Kote is another small Meowtian that happens to be lacking in body hair. He had a rough littlehood, and could not handle the stress his parents put him under to carry on the family legacy. Once he got his first taste of Nibble, he knew his best lives would be wasting away, relaxed in the sunshine, and starting his own legacy.

DR. KOTKA: "So, Kote, when do plan on saving some Nibble for everyone else?"

KOTE: (Chuckling) "Well Doc, when Meowers turns to dust."

Careful what you say, Kote.

Meow! We are almost to the Fortress! You are just going to love it! I will even introduce you to Queen Kissa and King Mao. They rule over all of Meowers, and help keep our home the way we like it.

PISHA: Meow Kitta! It is I, Pisha!

ME: Meow Pisha! How are you today?

PISHA: (As she rubs up against me) "I am wonderful as always.

ME: "You know? I wish I had your outlook on life. You always see the beauty and love in everyone."

PISHA: "I do love and trust everyone, I just can't help it. Our home just makes me so happy all the time."

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