Chapter 5: USJ incident

Start from the beginning

Bakugo's POV
I just put the siblings to sleep and I was glad I got there on time . Another second and they would have ripped The girl apart and the whole class. I turned to Mina and growled at her " Dont. Ever. Tell. Around. Them. Especially . When they. Are SLEEPING!" Mina being scared crapless already nodded. Everyone around near the siblings shivered and some were in tears. Half and half Pepsi can was looking at the three of us with wide eyes. Then the spiky red urchin came over and asked me " why do they listen to you so much bro? No offense of course it's just like you three are all siblings biologically." I looked at him in the eyes and started tearing up and looked away stopping my tears from flowing out at the same time. " Their story is theirs to tell not mine. But I will tell you my part. They were bullied for their appearance I was the only one who hanged out with them and I was picked on for it too until I had enough and used my quirk to protect all of us. And my parents weren't able to adopt them because of financial problems so they couldn't help. They also have a great temper which doesn't happen a lot but if you annoy them they will attack you. They won't attack their family and I entered a blood bond with Izuku and Avery anyways." Kirishima was shocked that this is what happened on My side and that he entered a blood bond with the siblings.

Aizawa-sensei came over and said " Bakugo your needed at the studio on Saturday don't worry about the clothes, Avery already got them, he also made some for you too." I nodded and he went away. Mina was talking to Frog girl who's name I think was Asui and they were talking about flashy quirks. " You know who has the flashiest quirk in the class? Bakugo, Todoroki and the siblings! But the siblings don't use their quirks very much..." Mina said. Asui replies with " Bakugo would be a great hero if it weren't for his personality." I was ignoring her and was looking at the siblings watching them stir from their slumber. I knew they didn't get enough sleep but they have to wake up either way because we were here.

Avery woke up first. She decided to let Izuku sleep and she was gonna carry him out of the bus. I helped her get out, I was helping her get Izuku out when's misty purple portal opened and out came a mans with hands everywhere and a army of thugs. I held Avery back and then Izuku woke up. I was scared out of my mind because they didn't get enough sleep and that Izuku woke up to this. Aizawa told us to stand back and get help, but the everyone was teleported to a different zone. I knew that Avery was gonna get everyone to safety first and come after them but I yelled in our telepathy mind to let me fight with her. She didn't respond but I saw a portal made of black and white swirls open and swallow me up.

Avery's POV
I was pissed. I was gonna go attack head on and teleport everyone out but Bakugo told me to let him fight and get everyone else out but let everyone who I think can help, help. I decided to do as he says and teleported everyone in the main area along with me.

As soon as I got there I knew this would be HELL for the villains not because I was mad alone but Bakugo and Izuku was mad too. Izuku went first and helped Dad out of the way and told Bakugo to get him help for he was injured badly. Izuku attacked first because he was mad and I didn't stop him. He turned into the form we were told to be careful around. He turned full on Devil Phoenix mode. It makes him Lucifer basically and gives him Phoenix powers. When he is in this form he loses his part of his sanity. Even though this form is powerful this isn't our trump card. I transform into Dealer this is when I also lose my sanity and make my enemies play a game of poker and while they do they go through painful illusions. These forms are not advised but who sees when you make the Aizawa Siblings mad?

Izuku attacked first and tore through all of the army of thugs and took half of their lives away.
I grabbed a group of them and laughed insanely and gave them an illusion that left them foaming at their mouths. We continue to do this until theirs only the main villains were their. I decided to creep them out and said " Kurogugi , Shimura Tenko. You shouldn't be randomly sending out troops like that." I said in a singsong voice. I can see that their eyes widen in shock and Shimura asked me " who are you? How do you know us?" I replied with " It's a secret!" And I said in a creepy singsong voice. Shimura then divide to send out the Nomu out. I just grinned and sent a whole pack of metal cards at it. It sliced through the nomu but he regenerates slowly. Shimura was shocked and asks " HOW THE NOMI HAS ULTRA SPEED REGENERATION!!?" I smirked and replied with " those cards were laced with poison" Izuku having enough of this and was getting bored burned the nomu till it was no more. I grinned and brought them into " The Game" we sat at a table were I was wearing a tuxedo and a hat I was also wearing white gloves and Izuku was wearing almost the same thing as me. Everyone sat at a round table where I was in the middle and Izuku was next me, the villains were chained to the chair they were sitting in and they looked terrified. I explained the rules to them and told them they will have to do this until they go out.
The rules were no cheating, no escaping, for every move you must go through a illusion. I was grinning a Cheshire grin and we started the game.

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