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Psycho Saiyyan Pranushka version above....😝😝😝
Created by me ...hope you all like it....

Five days later Billa was shifted to home. He couldn't walk properly, also had and a band-aid on head, and an injured right hand.
Rohini was taking care of him very well, like how a mother does to son, which surprised him to an extent .
He knew she loved him...but this much...

Maya was very busy. She was taking responsibility of the company, moreover she was trying to find that traitor. She took special care of him from a distance as she knew her presence maybe not that appealing for him. Now her priority is his life , which will be safe only after the destruction of Bajirao.

Billa was noticing sudden changes in her. When he heard Maya killed the truck driver who tried to attack him , and blasted the truck, he couldn't believe at all. The same girl who cried hard for shooting in that unavoidable circumstance, today killed one completing the whole bullets of two guns...  How can she... He wondered...
But later understood from where she got the courage... From love...

He wanted to see her. He wanted to be cared by her. But she was not at all coming to him. She will come late and leave by early morning when Rohini comes back to hospital.

Today when he reached home at last, he thought he will get to see her. But not... It's already dinner time and she didn't came at once to meet him. He was pissed off. And what he could do.. nothing... His anger had no limits. He wanted to rush into her room and shout at her for ignoring him. But today he was helpless. So he declared..he wot eat dinner today.

Maya stormed to the room at night with a tray of food. And kept it on the table. He saw her but didn't react. She came to him and made him sit on bed.

"What are you doing..."

She ignored his question and took the plate from the tray and sat on bed beside him. She took a morsel and gave him forcefully.

" I don't want food.... I am not hungry"

" Sorry to say Mr.Billa.  I won't listen you today. You need to have medicine and for that food is necessary..."

She said stuffing one more morsel into his mouth.

"Don't try to be my boss ..."

" Neither I want to. But now you are weak . And so you should listen to me"

He was angry, but slowly giving in. Maybe that's what he wanted, someone who can order over him, with love.

"Did you had anything.. "

At a moment he asked. She nodded as no ,then continued to feed him. 

"Then have now, with me..."

She looked up to him. He held her hands and made her eat .

After the food, she gave him medicine and then juice.
"Where is Vikram... Didn't saw him for long..."

"He went to Delhi, for some meeting. Will come after two days ."

Billa shook his head. She made him lay down and turned to leave. He held her wrist. She stopped and turned to him.
"Ah... I am not sleepy, can you stay here for a while"

She was surprised to hear that question. He was not drunk too. She smiled a bit and sat beside him.
"Why didn't you came to see me..when.. I was in hospital.."

She was silent... Neither did she had answer. It's hard to see him on hospital bed with injuries. Even it's home his weakness is disturbing her so much. She wanted to see that old arrogant man soon.

"I thought you too don't want me ...."

She kept her hands on his lips. And he smirked.

" But when I saw the love and affection of Rohini aunty and Renjith, I felt so happy. I never treated them as they deserve. But they always saw me as a son. I am so lucky to have them it..."

"Yes... They love you alot... Billa whatever you are now is because of them also. And you never treat them so. Look... You call uncle by name...why... He is elder to you right...he brought up you... Then why...  They deserve to be called as Amma and Nanna...."

He looked to the other side...
He was blind till now to see the love of them. But can him consider them as his parents...
She caressed his hairs and he turned to her.

"I didn't came to you , because... I can't... I can't see you lying like this. It kills me  .... But... I am sorry... I wasn't with you... when you need me.... I thought you will be happy without my presence. I didn't knew you wanted me beside... I am sorry.. "

She cried. He sat on the bed and wiped her tears. She leaned on to his shoulders, while he just looked somewhere, with one hand over her hair.

Later both of them dozed off on bed, she was still in the sitting position, gently patting on his head even in sleep....

BILLA : The Unsaid Love Story. {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now