Lady Billa

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"The deal should be done perfectly. Go to that old factory with the weapons. Don't go by main road. May be police can attack us."  Billa ordered his men. They left leaving Billa and Vikram alone. 

Maya was searching for Vikram. While she was passing by the corridor, she heard a phone call done by one of his men.
"The deal is done at the old factory. It's difficult to catch them their. They will going by the shortcut route. So you can catch them from there. And one more thing , it's a secret between us . Don't bring my name infront of Billa. I believe you Bajiro. Ok bye."

Maya understood he was an informer of Bajiro. Now Billa will be in trouble. She should inform him. She came to Billa's office room and closed the door from behind. "What happened Maya??", asked a confused Vikram. Billa was sitting without much reaction. Maya came forward . "One of your men us is betraying you. He is an informer of Bajiro. And the weapons you send will be caught by them in the main road. " Maya said straightly looking them.

"What are you saying Maya... informer of ... Who is that .?? " , Vikram was the first to react. Billa's eyes showed the anger growing inside him. But he didn't reacted. He took the phone and called someone.
"Look, go by the main road itself. Reach factory as soon as possible".
He cut the call and stood up from his seat. He came towards Maya .

"Who is that ??" , He asked looking to other side other than her face in a harsh tone. Maya Smirked. " I will tell you, buy before that, you have to promise me for something. "

"Want deal with billa... You have lot of time for that. Tell me the name." He had a smirk while speaking. Vikram too asked her to say it.

"He is infront of my eyes. But first promise me..." , Maya was stubborn.
Billa took a deep breath and agreed. Maya then touched his shoulders and moved him to the place she was standing. And Maya facing opposite to Billa. " Look the glass door. He is there"

Billa saw that man behind the glass door peeping inside.
"Raaj!!!" , Billa called out his name.
He came before billa as nothing happened. "Give me your phone " , Billa ordered. He hesitated.
Billa asked again, stressing each word.
He was scared and gave his phone.
Billa took it and looked the call list. He found Bajiro's number in it. The next moment Raj was shot dead .

This time Maya was not surprised or shocked. She knew it's going to happen. Hearing the sound some of his men came inside and saw Raj dead. "Billa hates cheaters. Let this be a lesson for everyone. Vikram, take him out".
Vikram along with some others took his body from there.
"Now what you want...?" Asked Billa to Maya.
"I want to be your secretary. "

He was surprised by her demand.

"Yes, you heard me correct. I want to join in your company as your secretary. And I will accompany you wherever you go." Maya said her demand.

"No.!! Not possible. I don't need any secretary now" .

" I am not begging you Billa. It's my demand. And you promised me" Maya said confidently.

Billa was not ready to accept.
"No means no . If you want anything ask me . But this is not possible"

"But why.  You promised me. "

" Because it's dangerous. It may cost your life!! ", He was nearly shouting.

" Why do you care?"
Her reply was this simple and straight. Billa don't got any answers for that.

" I don't care for anybody. "

"Then appoint me. From tomorrow onwards I will join."

Billa's temper reached at peak . He angrily held her by shoulders.
"Why don't you understand.  You neither no any martial arts nor you know shooting.  A mere lady like you can't stay with me always. Understood!!!"

"Teach me then. If that's your problem, teach me them. And yes, a mere lady can do anything if she wants.  Don't underestimate it. "
She said calmly , in a very simple way.

"What Your Intension...." He asked slowly yet with harsh words.

"Yesterday that Bajiro called me Lady Billa and I found its interesting. So thought to give a try . I Know I can't become Billa. But still, I can atleast stand by you always,..  I can die by your side atleast..." The last sentence she said slowly , with a different emotion. Then she left his room.Billa stood still. He knew she loved him with whole heart. And now it's too late for him to make her hate him. A part of his mind said she should be with him always. But, his pain and fear of losing her made him weak. She will never understand his pain. Never. 

BILLA : The Unsaid Love Story. {COMPLETED}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu