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Maya didn't slept that night. She waiting to be midnight. When the clock stuck at 2 , she get out of her room and went near the secret room.
Same as last day, the passage was open. She decided to get inside. Taking baby steps, she slowly got in and reached near the glass door.
She peeped inside, but saw no one.
Billa was nowhere to be found.

She made up her mind and gently opened the door. The room was filled with off white light. Slowly she got in and looked at the portrait. The room had an ethnic touch. Some paintings were made here and there. Some wine bottles we're also there. She slowly turned to right side of the room. And then she saw it...

A big king size bed was there covered with white net. She could hear some sobs. She went more near and found Billa laying on bed covering his face under pillow.... He was crying... She could sense he was fully drunk. She wanted to touch his head but removed her hands suddenly. Billa will be angry if he sees her here. So she turned back to go.

"Why did you both leave me alone.. don't you know how much I love you.... All.... All left me.... Billa is alone... Alone.... ".

She stopped hearing his words. Her eyes welled up. Don't know why..
She ran towards him and held his head. He looked at her. His eyes fully red and teared up. From his face it was clearly visible that he was crying for long. She made him stand up and he silently obeyed. Taking his hands over her shoulders , she carried him to his room and made him lay there.
She turned back to leave , but he held her wrist. She turned back to him. He sat on the bed.

"Are you too living me...?"

His question made her go weak. Don't know why, she suddenly hugged him. He held her as tight as he could and cried aloud. His warm tears settled on her bare shoulders. Tears started flowing from her eyes too. Time passed...don't know how much...

She felt he has already slept on her shoulders. She gently held his head and placed on the pillow. He was sleeping peacefully, with tired face. She caressed his hairs. After a few minutes she went back to her room after closing the secret passage.


Next morning, Maya reached the kitchen first as sleep was far away from her. She made coffee for everyone. By that time Rohini came to kitchen.
"Maya, why are doing all these things. And you woke up so early today..." ,Rohini asked in surprise.
Maya just smiled and gave her the cup of coffee she made. "Have this, I will return after giving coffee to everyone" , she said with a smile and went to others. She woke up all of the others and at last went to Billa's room.

She knocked twice. But he didn't open the door. So she got in opening it. Bills was still in deep sleep. She kept the coffee on the table and went out.


Bills woke up hearing his phone ring.
He looked at the clock and found it was already eight. He never woke up this late. He hurrily stoop up and went to fresh up. He came out from the washroom and remembered him crying at secret room. For a second he thought how he reached here. But as he was fully drunk , he could remember anything. He left the thought there and threw the towel to his bed. That was when he saw the coffee. He took it a found a smiley face on it. He didn't cared much and drank the coffee. Then he open the wardrobe to iron his dress.

"Excuse me..".

He looked at the door and found Maya standing with black shirt and suit.
She kept it on his bed and silently turned back.


She stopped, but didn't dared to turn back.

"Who asked you to iron my dress...?"

His asked him sternly. She didn't replied.

"I am talking to you...and I want an answer ..".

She took a deep breath and turned to him.

"Nobody asked. You were sleeping for so long. So I thought to iron your dress so that when you wake up---"

"Shut up" . He interrupted her.
"I told you yesterday, don't try indulge in my matters."

"Excuse me... Please. I am not interested to indulge in your matters. Rohini aunty asked me to wake you up since it was getting late. When I came here you were sleeping peacefully. And.. I .. I didn't wanted to disturb your sleep. So I took your dress and ironed it. I thought, after ironing I will wake you up. But you woke up before that. That's not my mistake. If you want you can wear that dress else do what you want."

She left the room after the long speech, and closed the door behind.
She took a deep breath leaning to the door. "I did it ... Now Mr.Billa I won't fear you. I understood you have faced a lot in life which made you like this. I will find it out and bring you back to good path.... It's my promise...".

BILLA : The Unsaid Love Story. {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now