28 - The Father

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Fluttering my eyelids open, I shifted a little on the hard floor. Jacob lay draped over me, his huge weight pushing me against the floorboards. Blocking the morning sun with my arm I had to wriggle out from beneath with great care to ensure I didn't wake him. Picking up my clothes, I put them on quietly and took my black machine gun into my hands. This was it. Time to make it or break it. I cast my gaze over Jacob for what could be the last time. His limbs were sprawled like a broken rag-doll, face smushed into the oak flooring. It felt wrong to be leaving him like this but I had a job to do and had no doubts that if he was in my shoes he'd do exactly the same.


Stepping into the compound, all was silent. No dogs, no cultists. Nothing. Just the breeze whistling through the stems of the bliss flowers that were wrapped tightly around the mesh fencing. As I approached the white church that stood proudly by the lake, I watched the doors fly open and Joseph unveiled himself. A calmness held him as he looked at me. Not an ounce of hostility escaped his measured expression. Turning, the Father walked back into the church and I hesitantly followed. It'd been a long time since I'd stood here. Joseph reached the altar at the end and braced his hands on it, almost turning white knuckled.

'Was this your plan all along?' I watched his shoulders tense up, studying the many sins etched across his back. 'To poison my brother against me?'

'No.' My indignant tone made his fingers curl tighter. Whirling on me, Joseph pointed an accusatory finger across the aisle.

'You've wrought him with lust and tempted him to defy me. You've taken advantage of his fragile mind and warped it for your own selfish desires.'

'You're one to talk!' I replied, throwing my arms into the air. 'You knew he was suffering with PTSD and still fed him all of your religious bull-crap! He needed you and you used him when he was most vulnerable! After all he did to protect you when you were kids-'

'You don't know half of what you're talking about sinner.' The Father interjected. 'You're a snake and you've taken my family from me. So now I'm taking yours away from you.' Joseph snapped his fingers and I spun around to see my bliss induced friends drunkly walking Pratt, Hudson and Whitehorse down the aisle. They brushed past me as if I didn't exist, eyes glazed with a milky haze. Nick, Grace, Jess, Jerome, Mary May, Tracey, Wheaty and Tammy seemed deluded; pointing their weapons directly into the backs of my colleagues. They forced them onto their knees at the front of the altar as though they were preparing them for communion. 'Be seated.' Joseph stated and my friends obeyed him, filing into the pews. I stood awkwardly in the aisle, shifting from foot to foot with my gun in hand. 'The lamb has opened the final seal my children. They have chosen the path of violence. They are far from the forgiveness of God. But we shall make them repent for their sins. We shall bring brother Jacob back from the clutches of this demon.' Joseph rallied my friends and they stood, turning on me one by one.

'Guys...' I hesitantly backed up. I couldn't shoot them, they'd die. Nick lunged at me, a green glow emitting around his head. 'Nope!' I evaded his grip and bolted for the open door. Time to use that stamina that Jacob prattled on about so much. Sprinting, I dove behind nearby cover and sent my brain into hyperdrive. Taking out Joseph was one thing but fighting my own friends? Struggling to wet my dry throat, I peeped over the top of the concrete wall that I was hiding behind.

'Come out Dep, we just wanna talk.' Jess' voice was loose and slurred as she dragged her feet across the gravel ground.

'That's right Rook. We aren't going to hurt you.' Jerome poked his head around corners as he searched for me.

'Shit fuck shit.' I cursed under my breath, sinking back down and pressing my back to the cool stone. Squeezing my eyes shut, I counted to ten slowly to try and relax. I'd be no use if I was rattled.

'Looks like you're in a bit of a pickle.' My eyelids snapped open and I turned to see Jacob crouched beside me.

'Where did you come from?' I almost jumped out of my skin and he had to hold my wrist tightly to stop me from falling over.

'Stealth.' He grinned, red sniper rifle in hand. 'What's goin' on?'

'See for yourself.' I tilted my gun up, gesturing for him to take a peek. His blue eyes narrowed as he scanned over the compound and then ducked down again. 'We can't shoot them, they'll die.'

'I've seen Faith do this before. A good clunk to the head'll bring 'em round.'

'Joseph has Pratt, Hudson and Whitehorse inside. I don't know what he's gonna do to them.' I tried to keep my voice low but panic was starting to build.

'One thing at a time pup. Let's get a couple of these guys on our side first.' Jacob let loose of my wrist and dropped to his stomach, army crawling into a long tube. Nodding at him, I darted across to a cylinder barrel and ducked behind it. Nick had started to blunder towards my direction and I steeled myself up. I could hear his footfalls coming closer and as he reached the edge of the metal tank, I jumped up and launched the back of my gun into his forehead. He fell backwards, landing heavily onto his spine. Grabbing his ankles, I tugged him out of view and gently squeezed his face.

'Nick? Nick wake up!' Shaking at his shoulders, I watched as he slowly brought a hand to his temple.

'Agh what the-' He opened his eyes to a squint, the milky glaze of the bliss gone, and then gave a loose smile. 'Dep?' Pulling him into a hug, I squeezed him so tight I thought he might burst.

'I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Nick.' I felt his arms hug me back tightly. Letting go, Jacob approached with Grace in tow. Both of them were crouched low to the ground.

'Hate to break up the reunion but the rest of your friends need help.' He hissed at me, shuffling past. 'You three carry on out here, I'm goin' in to distract Joseph.'

'Be careful.' I replied before filling Grace and Nick in on what needed to be done. A few solid head bashes later and all of my friends had come round. Hoisting Tammy up to her feet, she immediately ripped her hand from my grip.

'I should fuckin' kill you.' Her face was wrought with upset and I didn't know what to say. 'After this, we're having words.' She shoved past me and clapped Wheaty on the back. I just nodded quietly before addressing everyone.

'Joseph has my team in there. We have to get them back. I know you don't trust me or Jacob but right now I don't care. Those are innocent people being kept hostage and I want them freed. Got it?'

'We got ya Dep.' Nick spoke on behalf of everyone, the group murmuring quietly amongst themselves. Taking a long breath, I lead the way up to the church. Joseph stood at the altar still, bracing Jacob by the shoulders and whispering something to him silently. My colleagues were still tied up, knelt on the ground in front of them. Suddenly, Jacob reeled backwards and collided with a chair. The colour drained from his face and he ran a nervous hand through his hair. Joseph seemed to give him an affirmative nod before opening his palm towards where I was stood. Jacob's gaze fell onto me and I saw genuine fear painted across his expression.

'How long have you fuckin' known?' He pointed at me with a shaking finger.

'Known what? I don't know what you're talking about?' I took a few steps forward but Jacob stumbled backwards, warding me away. His lips quivered beneath the ginger hair surrounding his mouth.

'That you're carrying my fuckin' child?!'

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