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Jasper's POV

Reaching my house, I notice my step-dad's car isn't in the driveway. I smile to myself as I have the house to myself.

My mother rarely lets him go anywhere without her.

The door was unlocked as they clearly don't care enough to lock it. As I step in I chuck my bag across the room onto the couch.

Suddenly my phone buzzes. It's my mother.

Mother: Ken and I are going on a week long vacation. I've had him transfer $1,000 into your account.

I roll my eyes. Of course she fucking leaves as soon as we get settled. Whatever. Not like I wanted her there anyway. However it wasn't really legal to leave me there for an entire week alone.

I smirked getting an idea before typing my reply back.

Me: Not exactly legal mother. Put $2,000 more and I'll keep my mouth shut until you get back😙

Mother: Fucking hell Jasper Milligan. Fine. If that's the case we're adding another week, I don't feel like dealing with you.

I smile. 2 weeks home alone? That's so perfect. It's not like I have friends to have a party so I know she doesn't worry about that.

She really just doesn't care.

A quiet meow comes from the top of the steps. I smile.

"Hey Tobster! Looks like we have a whole 2 weeks just the two of us!"

Toby meows again and jumps down the stairs to my feet. I pick my orange and black cat up and walk upstairs to my new room. Most of my things are still in boxes.

I set my precious baby on my bed lightly as I look around my room.

"I suppose I shouldn't probably unpack... what do you think Toby?" I look over at my cat and see him yawn.

"Yeah boring, I know right? Any interest in helping?" With that he jumps from my bed and goes into my personal bathroom where his litter box is. "I'll take that as a no."

I sign and strip out of my clothes I wore to school, picking out a severely oversized shirt my real dad gave me 3 years ago. I miss him so much...

I don't bother with pants considering I'll be home alone.

About 3 hours later I've got most of my things unpacked, all of my clothes either in my walk-in closet or dresser.

My black vanity was set up prior by the movers, along with my bed, desk, tv and shelves. All I had to do was put back together my coffee table under the tv on the wall and put everything away.

I wiped my forehead, breaking a little bit of a sweat. It was beginning to get dark out so I opened my blinds and decided it was probably best to begin my homework.

How fun was it to be join a new school halfway through the year.

Not at all.


Word count: 527
Date published: 7/5/19

Noice, two updates in one day. Look out for more. I'm on vacation and hiding from family so I'll probably be pretty active. Btw the picture is what I imagined Jasper's cat to look like.

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