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"what happened to Dai Yixin?" Yoongi barged into the infirmary as soon as he came to know she was in the infirmary

"nothing serious" Dai Yixin replied to his question

Jin came in slowly after Yoongi as well
"are you...alright?"

"yes,I am"

Misaki brought her to the infirmary and she is still there with her "you say this is nothing serious?"

"what exactly happened? and where did you actually get hurt?" Yoongi asked

"we'll explain you everything later.The nurse already took care of her,we're waiting for her to prescribe some meds" Misaki says

"the nurse went out? I'll go call her" Yoongi says and without listening to anyone else speak,went out to call the nurse

"is your lip cut?" Jin asked

"huh?" Dai Yixin looked at Misaki "no,its not" and answered

Misaki took a tissue "there's still blood on your lip that came out of your mouㅡ" she stopped speaking as Dai Yixin widened her eyes

"what do you mean came out of her mouth?" Jin asked "tell me everything"

"uh...she just got ...punched"

"Tell me who did this. Is it that queenka girl? am I right Dai Yixin?" Jin's eyes looked fierce for the first time which resulted in Dai Yixin's loss of words

"Jin..let her rest first" Misaki says

Jin kneeled down on the floor on his knees to match up to the level of Dai Yixin as she was sitting on the medical bed "didnt I tell you there wont be someone to help you everytime?"

"but I got beaten willingly"

"why on earth did you do that?" Jin asked

"For the director to appear and see with his own eyes what Han Sun Hee does to the weak.But I also dont understand why you have to be the one to do that..." Misaki speaks up for her best friend

"whatif the director wouldn't have showed up? would you tolerate until you had to be admitted?" This time his eyes filled with concern

Dai Yixin said " I might be dumb, buy not the dumbest"

"the nurse is back"as soon as Yoongi enter alongwith the nurse, Jin stood up from his kneeling position

"You guys should go" the nurse said

Jin and Yoongi left after bowing to the nurse

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Yixin got inside the bus to leave for home. She sat on her seat and started looking around 'didn't Jin say he'd take the bus everyday? '

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