That very next day, Marceline slept in PB's bed, they had been talking all that they could via phone about all of the royal duties and now Marcy was rudely awoken by Peppermint Butler, something about dispute or what have you, Marcy wouldn't be sure but she got out of bed, got dressed to protect against the sun and made her way to the throne as she seated herself she saw two angry candy people and spoke. "Subjects." She stated loudly as the two looked at her and asked what they should do. She gave a quick statement to solve their little problem and sent them on their way as she sighed and realized this was a pretty easy gig. Hopefully it would always be this easy. 

   As time passed, Finn's casts came off and he was back to heroing with his missing arm, meanwhile the princess was struggling and trying to walk again but the improvement was slow. She ended up being wheeled around by Marcy and she had fairly restless nights. Her thoughts on that night, over and over again replaying it, she almost killed Finn, and now she was put in a wheel chair... She secluded herself often, and often made Marcy leave to go run with the wolves or what have you. She didn't want her to see her like this, her tone had softened, her mind wandered more than ever and her eyes would often be empty. She hadn't even thought about science for a while, her drive had left, her spark was gone...

   Marceline stood there behind PB as she sat in her chair, she watched her for a while as she looked away. "Hey, Bonnie." She said softly. She then came closer. "Do you want to maybe, go out together, me and you?" She asked as she stood beside her love. Her hands behind her back as she looked out the window and hoped for a yes. "I'll cover the tab, we could... We could go and just be, together me and you..."

   The princess sat there, silent for a while as she heard Marceline speak. She then looked at her slowly, up at her... Up... At her... She stared up at her for a while as she spoke. "You can go." She stated flatly as she looked back outside quietly, sitting upright in her chair now. "Marceline. Listen to me, please. I have been thinking for a long time about this." She said as she cleared her throat and saw Marceline look toward her, she looked at her, into her eyes. In those monstrous eyes she'd come to love so much... She saw concern and worry. She sighed softly. "I want you.... I want you to let me go." She said sternly. "I am only going to hold you back from here on out... I feel as though this isn't fair to you. All you want to do is go out and hang out and things I could never enjoy, not like this... So." Her voice cracked, tears formed in her eyes as she watched Marceline look confused, like a deer in the head lights. "I don't want you with me anymore. We can't be together. We just can not. Do not argue with me, just... Just grab your things, grab them and leave... Go!" She tried to sound angry as she backed away from the window and wheeled over to the drawer, pulling it out pathetically with her own body getting in the way as she eventually opened it and threw it all out. "JUST GO!" She yelled, trying to get herself angry.

   "B-Bonnie, BONNIE! Stop!" She shouted as she flew over, trying to close the drawer "Stop it, stop saying that!" She pleaded, grabbing Bonnie's chair's arms as she pulled her to look at her and she stood there, firmly as she leaned in close and she spoke. "You're just feeling crappy about your legs... Think about this, seriously think about it. Why would you do this? I don't care about going out tonight or any other night or not, I freakin' love you, more than math makes sense... More than science can explore. More than my cold heart could ever comprehend." She said as she stared at her, her own eyes full of tears. "Don't do this." She said, her voice cracking as she wiped Bonnie's eyes. 

   Those eyes, they were intense... They were so full of concern and love. She didn't know what to say as her mouth hung open until those hands came for her face and she gripped them tightly. "Stop... You stop... Get out of here." The princess said coldly as she knew she wouldn't get 100% soon, she stared at her, her eyes tearing. "Don't you get it? I don't.... I HATE YOU!" She said as she used any words to get her partner to just go, her eyes full of pain but she pushed the other away as best she could, looking pathetic in her chair as she shook her head. "Please, just go." She said as she pushed herself back to the window and wiped her face. "J... Just go..." She sounded broken as she swallowed down the gross feelings in her throat from the words she said. 

   Marceline saw and heard the pain as she stood there where Bubblegum let her and she didn't know what to do, she felt so much pain from those words. She didn't know if she should leave or not, her things thrown, she shut her eyes, took a breath and spoke. "Bonnie." She said slowly. "You don't mean it... But... If you really want me to go. To leave you alone, fine." She said as she gathered her things in one suit case and she didn't even see PB waver to look behind her, not once... But she heard soft sobbing as she put her things together and closed the suit case. She then walked over to her and leaned over and kissed her on the lips, feeling hands push then grip her shirt gently. She stood there for a long while with her, just kissing her before she pulled away and she looked at her. "You only need to call me... And I'll be here, fast as I can... I um... Here." She gave her a small plain ring, like a wedding band as she spoke. "I saw this, and I thought of you... And... Yeah." She said as she stuffed her hands in her pockets and she left it on Bonnie's lap as she walked to the bed, pulling her hood up and grabbing her suit case. "Don't forget about me, Bonnie..." She said aloud before she flew out of the room. Tears still dropping from her face. 

   Bonnie sat there, staring, eyes watery, cheeks wrecked with tears. Her eyes glanced to the band as she grabbed it and put it on her left ring finger and she shut her eyes. "Marcy..." She whispered to herself. "I'm so sorry." She said gently, but in her mind, it was the only way to love Marcy, to set her free... To push her away, to let her live her life. As soon as Marceline made it to her cave of a home, it begun to rain... A storm, a raging angry storm. Bonnie didn't see it as the wrong choice, so much as the choice to save her from herself as she shut her eyes and sat there for the remainder of the night.

   Marceline laid in her bed and stared at her phone, hoping Bonnie would call her back, hoping this was just... Just a fluke. Just some kind of dream, something, something less painful. Her thoughts replayed the scene, finding it one of the most painful moments in her own life. She curled up tight that night, and tried to just, sleep, she didn't feel like being awake, at least in her dreams she didn't have to deal with the pain balled in her chest.

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