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Kelsey's POV

"That was surprisingly easy." I chuckle pulling at the navy blue pencil dress as we make our way through the soldiers that are still looking for my dad ironically. "The hardest was definitely reinserting the Aether in Jane." My dad laughs as we exit the building not looking back until we're at least a mile away.

"You know Bruce said we could take all the time we needed..." I trail off stopping so I can stare out over the base. "What are you getting at Kels?" He asks but he sits down on the hillside, and I quickly follow suit. "I... I'm just not..." I look up at him sheepishly hoping he'll get what I'm saying, and based on the sad look that crosses his eyes he does.

"You're not ready to go to Vormir." He whispers looking down, and I nod gulping as the sun slowly starts to descend into the clouds. He pulls me closer allowing me to hide away from the world that's hurt us so much.

"The idea of you was born here, right?" I ask looking back down at the running people who are still frazzled by my dad and Tony's appearance. "Yeah, that's what I told Tony." He gazes down at me, smiling with pride shining in his eyes. "Is it hard... Coming back?"

"It's more weird, everyone from my old life is here." He sighs giving my shoulder a squeeze, and I don't think he wants me to know who he's talking about but I do. "Like aunt Peggy?" I ask innocently, but I smirk when I feel him stiffen beside me.

"Yes, like Aunt... Peggy," he adds.

"Do you ever think about what life would've been like if you would have stayed?" I continue just because I'm curious, it's not often I can get him to talk about his original life.

"I have, but I don't like it because I never had you." I chuckle nervously into his shoulder, but I feel like he's obligated to say that as my dad.


"Kels, yes Peggy was my first love, but I was young and she was the first girl that had ever looked at me. I have no idea how it would of worked out. Besides she got married and had a family, and I did the same, we both moved on." We both look down at the people below, the chaos is starting to die down as dark colors bloom across the sky.

"Was it weird with Mom since you.... Ya know." I had always assumed it was because I hardly ever got to see Aunt Peggy growing be up. I'm sure losing mom didn't make it any easier being around her family. "It was odd, but like I said we had both moved on."

"Did you get with mom because she reminded you of Peggy?" I ask and he pauses briefly telling me I had hit the nail right on the head. "Yes at first, but your mom was understanding and slow with me. She helped me transition into a new world, and that's when I fell in love with Sharon and not Peggy's niece."

"And then you met Nat..." I sigh sadly my mind traveling back to our last stone that we still have to return. It's not fair everyone my dad has loved has been taken away, it's like the universe is saying to give up.

"I did, they say you only only fall in love once, and I don't know if I'm unlucky to have done it three times or the luckiest man in the world." He explains still holding onto me, and I can't help but think he's wrong.

I've heard people say you can fall in love three times. Your first is when you're young, or you still feel young. You're inexperienced so you do it even though it doesn't feel right. You've never felt love before so you're craving it even though it's not the right kind, you don't click together the way you should, or it's just at the wrong time.

Your second is supposed to be the hard love, whether it's loss or pain. It's the one that teaches us lessons about who we are, and proves we're stronger than we think. This is usually the love that hurts emotionally or physically, and it always ends badly. It shows us what we thought love to be was entirely incorrect.

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