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Kelsey's POV

My feet land firmly on the ground and I'm once again grasping at my stomach the only reason I'm not bleeding out being the piece of glass in there. I'm looking around everyone's talking sounding like whispers as this pounding feeling starts to bloom in my head.

My eyes slowly start to focus, but just as I start to adjust my heart accelerates again as I notice there's no red head standing amongst us. "Where's Nat?" My dad asks his voice tight and strained, and we all look to Clint who looks like he's seen a ghost.

His silence as he tries to come up with words tells us all what happened, and I try stepping towards him but I stop clutching my wound releasing a shrill gasp.

That's when all of their heads snap up and they seem to notice the droplets of blood that are following me. "She needs medical attention!" My dad shouts catching me before I stumble again.

"I'm fine the glass hasn't punctured an organ or I'd already be dead." I explain slowly feeling myself fade away despite my words. "Kels that's not really reassuring." Tony adds helping my dad move me.

"I'm..." And my eyes roll back my body finally to tired to keep going.


Kelsey's POV

My eyes slowly start reopen the bright light forcing them closed for a split second. Trying again I get to take in my surroundings piecing together that I'm in the medical wing of the compound. I slowly sit up surprised when my my stomach pain is just a dull poke and not a gut wrenching stab.

"Kels what's the last thing you remember?" I look to the side to see my dad and Clint sitting by my bedside. I'm about to answer ready to eagerly respond that we got all the stones when reality sets in, and I remember that Nat is no longer with us.

"That's what I thought." My dad sighs and I'm guessing the pain is written all over my face. I sit up lifting my shirt slightly to see my bandaged abdomen before settling my eyes back on my dad. "James will be here shortly, and then... We'll have to tell him, god how am I supposed to do this?" My dad cries a few tears sliding down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Steve it should've been me..."

"Don't say that Clint you have a family as well, and I'm sure Nat didn't make it easy for you." I stop him swinging my legs over the edge of the bed I was resting on, so I can look them directly in the eyes.

"Kelsey it's good to see you're awake I would like to go over some things with you and your father." I turn slightly, surprised by the mobility I have already, to see Helen Cho.

"I was surprised once your father told me what happened that you weren't injured further, so while I was bandaging you up I ran some tests. Has she ever been sick?" She asks my dad the question seeming really random.

He of course looks at me his mind immediately thinking about my eating disorder, but that was years ago no reason to be sensitive about it. "I struggled with a bad case of Anorexia." I openly admit making sure to keep my facial expressions indifferent to prove I'm strong.

"Well that makes sense considering your enhanced metabolism. Turns out there are traces of the serum in her blood, not enough to give her your strength or speed, but enough to affect her durability and metabolism. This is why when she fell she didn't break anything, and why she's healed as quickly as she has."

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