New Beginnings

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Kelsey's POV

"Where do we go now that they're gone? The thing is we've been asking ourselves this question for the last five years, and we still don't have an answer at least not one we want to accept. We just have to go it's as simple as that; we have to continue to rebuild, to help each other out, and to remember. Now I'm sure you all know my story..."

I pause looking around at the audience of about thirty and they all nod. "But I don't know your stories, so I'd like you to share with me and we're all going to help each other."

A small woman that's barely older than me stands up, and I can already see the tears forming in her eyes. "My name's Brooke, and I had just gone through hours of labor, and I was holding my little girl in my arms. I was living in Portland and nothing had happened there, so we had no idea what was going on. Then my little girl turned..."

The woman started to sob uncontrollably, and I quickly hopped up and wrapped my arms around her running my hands up and down her back. "My baby turned to dust, and I looked up at my husband for help, and he was already on the floor in a pile of... Of..."

"Ashes?" I ask softly and she nods vigorously.

"Yes ashes, and it was happening to everyone. I could hear screams coming from all around the hospital and outside, doctors were running around my room and some disappeared and others didn't. I was just sitting there waiting expecting to do the same, and it never did... Why did I survive when my baby girl couldn't? It just doesn't seem fair."

She finishes and I wrap my arms around her in a soft hug going to convey all of my emotions through it, and she returns it like she hasn't hugged anyone in years. She pats my back and returns to her seat, and I take a step forward looking at everyone.

"I think we all thought that at one point or another, I know I did. Five years ago I couldn't understand why I stayed when my family, a bunch of superpowered humans didn't. Surely they would have been more useful, but at the same time who would have done this? I know that's selfish of me to think, but sadly it's what's keeping me going." I pause letting my words sink in for them.

"Does anyone else have anything they want to share?" I ask and after a few minutes of everyone nervously looking around a middle aged man stands. His eyes are sunken in and his scruff and hair are wild and untamed.

"I was working at Rikers when it started. I know censuses are saying half of everything disappeared, but it was like the odds were against us and several of our guys didn't make it, one of them being my partner. Well we were out numbered and everyone escaped, I was lucky to make it out with my life. However for five years I've been carrying this guilt because ten thousand inmates escaped and continued to kill more people."

"Talking is the first step in the right direction." The elderly woman, Meredith who's been coming to my sessions for years, is sitting next to him speaks up giving him a frail smile and I nod in agreement. "The worst part is a man, Jack Rollins, killed my only daughter when she was walking back to her dorm room."

"The mass shooting that took place at NYU three years ago?" Brooke asks quietly and he solemnly nods. "I used to think these things were ridiculous..." He sighs gesturing around the room and I gesture for him to continue. "That these group sessions were nothing more than a publicity stunt, and that you guys were cruel for telling us to move on when you had no idea what we were going through." He pauses looking up tears freely falling from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong and I wish I would've realized that sooner..."

"There's no need to apologise because I did the same thing. I lost my first true friend, and I lost the love of my life. I didn't get to see them, barely got to say goodbye, and I thought no one could ever understand what I was feeling. I was a hot mess and I didn't see what I still had left in front of me, and it took a talking raccoon to make me realize this."

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