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Peter's POV

"Dad!" I run to him practically throwing myself in his arms, and even though he's caught off guard he hugs back. "I woke up and... And you weren't there, and Doctor Strange said it's been five years... You were alone and... What about Kelsey? This might be the wrong time..."

"Peter buddy you have to breathe for me." He whispers against my hair kissing the side of my head and I listen to him calming myself down. "I'm okay... And I'm better now that I have you back. There's so much to tell you."

I pull away to see he's crying, and I'm going to say something but I can see Tchalla in the back struggling to hold onto what looks to be the gauntlet. "I love you, but I have to go," and I swing away.

"I got it!" I shout taking it right before Squidward can grab it. "Karen activate instant kill." I command once I'm on the ground clutching the stones in my hand as my iron legs fight for me.

There's a swooshing in the air and I turn to see Kelsey standing on an aliens body stealing it's gun to shoot the others not wanting to waste time on ripping her shield out of it's body.

"What are you wearing?" I shout over the noise taking in her fitted Captain America suit, and matching shield. "Really I haven't seen you in five years, and that's the first thing you say to me?" She yells back only looking at me briefly as we both continue to fight off the aliens.

"I'm... Just curious, you look great. This is probably the hottest thing I've ever seen." I duck as she does a pike front flip over my shoulder and lodges her newly recovered shield in another aliens head.

"You realize I'm twenty-three now right?" She asks almost fearfully pausing for a second to look me in the eye while wiping at her bleeding face. However there's a single alien left behind her holding his gun up, so I shoot a web pulling her into my side while stabbing the creature with one of my mechanical legs.

"Well it's technically still legal since we were dating before you came of age." And she starts to chuckle but stops jumping out of my arms and into another monsoon of aliens.

We're fighting them off the best we can, but there's a lot, and they're starting t pile up on us. "Hey can anybody help?" I ask over the comm the gauntlet slipping from my hands, but luckily into Kelsey's.

"Hey Queens, heads up." Kelsey points to the hammer in the sky and I grab her waist shooting a web to grab hoping she'll hold the gauntlet tightly.

The web is cut by the beams coming down, and I curl into Kelsey keeping the gauntlet protected between us when someone grabs my hand. "Hang on I've got you."


But she drops us on flying horse... Oh my God it's a Pegasus!

"I see your causing trouble Kelsey." The woman laughs and Kelsey rolls her eyes playfully confusing me even more. "Hey it's nice to... Oh my God!" Kelsey chuckles and now I'm holding her as she readjusts so she's sitting on the creature like she's done this countless times.

We're smoothly flying until we're hit, and we're falling. I latch onto the gauntlet shooting a web to grab Kelsey panicking when I see fear flash across her face for the first time, but once I have her she tried her best to tuck us both behind her shield as we hit the ground.

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