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Kelsey's POV

My eyes snap open, and I look up to see nothing but darkness. I go to move but I hit my head on a smooth surface and I realize I'm still encased under the shield. Lifting it slightly I shift debris falling on either side of me as I sit up thanking god, for the hundredth time today, that I'm still alive.

"See cap your daughters only had the shield for a day, but she knows to hold onto it." I look behind me to find Tony and my dad shuffling through the remains of the building, and I hook the shield to my back. "Well Tony the difference is I can't squeeze my whole body behind this thing anymore."

He hooks his shield to his back as well, and I notice while I have wiggle room on both sides of the shield my dad's shoulders and are nearly larger than the item itself. "It's not my fault I'm tiny," I scoff. Truthfully I'm not that short, I just hang with abnormally tall people, minus Tony.

I walk with them out to where Thor is standing, and my eyes follow his gaze to see he's staring at Thanos. "What's he been doing?" Tony asks all of us keeping our eyes glued on our target afraid that if we look away he'll get the upper hand. "Absolutely nothing."

"Where are the stones?" My dad asks giving my hand a brief squeeze the connection comforting, but it was gone just as quickly as it appeared. "Well they're not with him, we'd be dead if they were," I sigh.

"They're somewhere under all this, but he doesn't have them." Tony agrees being the first to look away from the mad Titan. "So we keep it that way." Dad growls and I've never seen him so determined, and that feeling is contagious.

"You know it's a trap?" Thor asks simply as I latch the shield back onto my arm giving the ribbon from Nat's pointe shoe a tug for a good luck. "Yeah. And I don't much care." Despite circumstances I smirk hearing Tony's quip. This could very well be our last moments might as well live smiling

"Good. Just as long we are all in agreement." The sky begins to turn lightning lighting up where Thor is standing, and as it vanishes he's suited up, and he has his axe and hammer. "Let's kill him properly this time."

"Best thing I've heard all day." I growl being the first one to step down from our ledge forcing them to follow me. I don't care if I'm nothing compared to this grape I'm fighting him to avenge everyone he's hurt. It's my job.

"Are you alright Kels?" Thor asks as we get closer, and surprisingly I'm keeping the fear off my face. All they can see is my anger. "Honestly I'm terrified, but I'll be better when he's dead."

"You don't have to do this." My dad speaks up and I can tell he's praying I'll turn around I'm just a girl after all, but he's not going to stop me either. "But I do, whatever it takes."

I turn back around to face Thanos scowling as he grins sizing us up.

"You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you’ve shown me that’s impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."

Thor and I go to the right as my dad and Tony go to the left all of us slowly closing in on our target, but he's still unfazed. "Yep, We're all kinds of stubborn." Tony seethes stopping so we all do the same, and that's when I finally allow myself to look at Thanos.

Even sitting he towers above me, and the way he looks at us like he could easily squish us is extremely unsettling. It feels like he's staring through me, trying to figure out why I'm here, because I'm sure it's obvious I'm way out of my league.

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