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Kelsey's POV

"Well everything is coming along nicely and, both Nat and the baby are perfectly healthy." Helen explains beaming proudly and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding as my Dad and Nat happily gaze into each other's eyes.

"Do you want to know the gender, you are five months along after all." My dad looks between me and Nat both of us shrugging so he nods Helen's smile growing wider. "Congratulations you're going to have a healthy baby boy."

"Yes!" I cheer because I guessed right and now Rhodey owes me five bucks. "What?" I ask innocently as the three other occupants stare at me like I've lost it. "I really wanted a little brother." I admit sheepishly which is true, I've only been asking my dad for one since I was little.

My dad pulls me into his side and kisses my head while still holding a hand over Natasha's stomach, and I can see her from the corner of my fondly watching us. "Now I want to warn you when he's born he'll have to have regular check ups to make sure the two serums in his body continue to coexist harmoniously."

"What do you mean?" I question nervously glancing at the illuminated picture of my brother on the monitor. "We haven't told her yet..." My dad whispers to Helen Nat sitting up to grab my hand probably seeing the panic flash through my eyes.

"Our serums were never meant to exist together in the same body. It's a miracle they're working together and not fighting each other, but we don't want to count our chickens before they hatch." My dad explains his voice surprisingly calm, but I guess they've had time to let this sink in.

"What happens if they..." I can't even finish my sentence because I know what will happen. After all we've gone through, and someone up above still doesn't think it's enough.

"We should've told you sooner Kels, but we know how scary the subject is for you. If he can survive the next few months and through labor he should be fine." Nat adds on smiling but it's slightly forced telling me she's calculating the odds as well. "And what about you?" I ask stiffly immediately thinking about the difficult labor my mom went through, and how she ended up.

"We've already talked about this with Helen, and yes the risks are higher than they should be, but I'm going to continue and try to carry this baby full term." I can feel the tears pricking my eyes, and I try my best to blink them away but they just end up falling.

"Just when I thought life couldn't get any harder." I sigh hiding my face in Nat's shoulder making my tears disappear into her shirt. "We'll all make it through this, and when we do I can't wait to hold my entire family in my arms." My dad mumbles wrapping his arms around Nat trapping us in a cocoon, but instead of feeling suffocated this is the safest I've felt in a long time.


Kelsey's POV

"Kels sit down, your pacing is messing with my pacing." Tony growls, and I stop only briefly to give him a sharp glare before picking up where I left off. It's been nine hours since I've seen Nat, my dad has periodically come out to check on me and had reassured me she's fine, but I won't be able to calm down until I see her.

I'm about to snap again when my dad walks out a few tears running down his cheeks, but he's smiling despite that. "Kels, do you wanna come back with me?" He asks and I nod following him back to the room. Kissing my head he pulls me into his side mumbling something I can't hear against my hair. 

"So did everything go alright?" I ask nervously still keeping myself glued to his chest. "Why don't you see for yourself." And he opens the door allowing me to take in the sight of my new family for the first time.

When most people think of Natasha Romanoff motherly isn't the first word that comes to mind, but watching her cradle the baby in her arms as she stares at him with nothing but love in her eyes... I can't think of another word to describe her.

"Kels come meet your baby brother."silently my feet carried me over to her bedside my heart beat never calming down and returning to normal as I stare at him from over her shoulder.

He's absolutely perfect.

He has a head full of red hair, pricing blue eyes like mine, and he seems to be a healthy weight and size; probably thanks to the serums. "What's his name?" I ask gently letting my finger run through his soft hair.

"James Samuel Clinton Rogers." She whispers pressing a kiss to his tiny forehead before reaching her arms out to me clearly expecting me to hold him. "I've never held a baby before..."

"Well your job as big sister requires you to do so." My dad laughs expertly taking James setting him in my tense arms. He blankly stares up at me, and the more I look at him the easier it gets to spot the similarities between us.

"My names Kelsey, I'm your big sister, and I love you so much." I whisper pressing a kiss to his head like Nat did earlier. I hand him to my dad chuckling at the sight of tiny little James being held in my dad's large arms.

Nat laces our fingers together and pulls me down to lay down beside her in the large bed, and I relax against the pillows as my dad holds James out so we can see him.

"I never want this moment to end." I mumble sleepily as my dad nestles James between Nat and I and sits down as well. "I don't either." He adds kissing my head for the millionth time tonight.

"You guys realize Americas next Golden boy was born on Veterans Day?" I ask through a chuckle both of them joining me. "Does that make you Americas golden girl?" My dad asks teasingly, and Nat stops me shaking her head.

"No way she's a widow through and through, I did do all vof her training after all." Nat argues pulling me closer to her chest like a child refusing to share a toy. "Not that either of you ever have to wear a suit, but Nat had told me your almost as deadly as her."

"You could say that." I chuckle nervously, but at the same time I'm oozing with pride. "She's playing shy, her marksmanship is amazing, because she a dancer she's graceful, and her strength has improved immensely."

"Yeah but before she becomes a spy she needs to work on her poker face." He pokes my cheek and I instantly burst into a fit of giggles.

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