The Peach Scene

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Taeyong was in his room jumping up and down, yelling the Naruto theme song at the top of his lungs when he heard the doorbell ring. He stopped jumping and picked his phone up to check and see if anyone was expected, to no avail.

He went down the stairs and cautiously proceeded to the door, not wanting the person, who could very well be a murder, to know someone was in the house. He peeped out the peephole and upon seeing who it was, opened the door immediately.

"Ten! What are you doing here?" Taeyong smiled. He was happy that his friend paid him an unexpected visit. He was also surprised to see that Johnny didn't tag along with him.

Ten let himself in and immediately made a bee-line to the couch while Taeyong watched.

"Me and Johnny got into a damn fight. He's such an asshole sometimes." Ten said, frustrated. Taeyong had already made his way to the couch, standing in front of Ten.

"What happened? Are you guys okay?"

Taeyong didn't really care all too much about the situation, Johnny and Ten were practically soulmates, so he wasn't really worried about whatever petty fight the boys had gotten into.

"Well, we were on his bed and I was giving him a BJ and I noticed he wasn't reacting, like, at all. So I asked him what his deal was and he started talking about you and the damn teacher! He got really dramatic over it and started saying it's innapropriate and how Mr. Jung is just using you for your body! Rediculous. So then he stormed out of his room and I sat on the bed for a couple minutes and now I'm here"

Taeyong thought for a second. There was one part of the story that really through him for a loop. He had no idea what it meant.

"Yeah, what's a 'BJ'?" Taeyong asked. Ten rolled his eyes and let out a dramatic sigh.

"Oh my God Taeyong that isn't the point. Are you and Mr. Jung fucking or not?"

Taeyong gasped and shook his head violently. Taeyong didn't even know how to f-word. He barely knew how to kiss!

"God no! We've kissed a few times and we cuddled one night but we haven't, you know, done that. Does he want to? He hasn't mentioned it, so I didn't know I was supposed to do that, how do I, uh, fu—"

"Woah! Calm down! You don't! Do not fuck him yet! You need to make sure you love him first Taeyong, Jesus Christ" Ten said, frantically.

Taeyong scoffed.

"As if. I could never love him. Love isn't real, everyone breaks up one day. Besides, what if he thinks I'm annoying? Hm? If I wait until I love him to touch his privates, then it will never happen." Taeyong reasoned.

Ten looked at Taeyong sympathetically. He had no idea Taeyong felt this way. And he had absolutely no idea how Taeyong managed to think love is fake, not know how to have sex, and not cuss. He was eighteen years old and had the mind of someone half his age.

"Taeyong, just don't let him talk you into anything until you're ready okay? You're really naïve and I don't want Mr. Jung to take advantage of you. You still have a lot of things you need to learn that you should have already learned by your age, but that's okay to an extent, you just have to be careful."

Taeyong nodded his head, although Ten was making him feel dumb. He always thought being too close to someone in that way was dirty, but everyone is doing it and now he's expected to do it too. He didn't realize it was a bad thing to not know about this kind of stuff, so he wanted to learn about it, by himself of course.

"Okay Ten, thank you. You can leave now." Taeyong said, pulling Ten up off the couch and ushering him to the door.

Ten pulled out of Taeyong's grip and looked at him, wondering why he was in such a rush to get him out.

"Hey man what are you doing? Did I make you mad? I didn't mean to make you upset I'm sorry" Ten quickly apologized.

Taeyong laughed and shook his head

"No, you didn't make me mad, I just have some things to think about. And you should go back to Johnny and tell him that me and Jaehyun are NOT fucking and that he shouldn't worry." Taeyong said, resuming back to pushing Ten out the door.

Ten looked at Taeyong, stunned, his mouth open at the younger's sudden language.

"Um okay, bye Taeyong, I guess."

Taeyong gave a bright smile and waved before shutting the door in Ten's face. He turned to the movie cabinet, searching for a certain movie case.

He remembered walking in the living room to his mom watching a movie one day a couple years back, and when Taeyong sat down to watch it too, his mom immediately turned it off and put it in the case, which Taeyong caught a glimpse of.

"Why can't I watch this movie mommy?"

"Because baby, it's for adults."

Taeyong finally found the case he was looking for, two boys looking up at a blue sky. He looked at the words scribbled in yellow and realised it was in English. Luckily, Taeyong could read it. He read it over a couple times in his head before saying it out loud.

"Call Me by Your Name"


There was a comment under the fourteenth chapter that said me talking at the end of each chapter is annoying, i feel really bad now, im sorry i didnt realize, i'll quit doing that jdkskdjsj, enjoy the rest of the book! 🌷

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