Brownies and Movies

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Taeyong had a crush on his English teacher. He was certain of it now. He liked the way he smelled, the way he looked, and the feeling he gave him. He liked his voice and his determination to tutor Taeyong. He liked him. His friend.

Jung Jaehyun liked one of his students. A lot. And it fucking sucks. He wanted him right now. He wanted the pink-haired boy to be his. But there was still three months left in the school year, and Jaehyun didn't know how long he could hold himself back.

The weekend was long for Taeyong. Nothing to do. Nobody to talk to. That's why he was laying on his bed, in the middle of a nice Saturday, watching Naruto. He had the need for something sweet.

Taeyong slipped down the stairs and into the kitchen, not knowing yet what he wanted. He scanned the cabinets, only to find a box of brownie mix. Suddenly he remembered he had a neighbor who he hasn't received neighborhood welcoming brownies.

"Taeyong-ah? What are you doing here?"

Mr. Jung's raspy voice could've killed Taeyong on the spot. And the teacher was wearing sweatpants without a top, which wasn't helping.

"I-uh made you brownies sir~ Is now a bad time?" Taeyong pouted. The teacher shook his head 'no' and moved out of the way, allowing Taeyong to come in.

"Wah~ so pretty~ " Taeyong said , marveling over the decorations and paintings that were on display.

"You can set those on the counter, I'm going to go get a shirt on" Mr. Jung said.

"Wait!" Taeyong blurted out. "Surely it's hot outside, you must be warm~ I don't mind you not having a shirt on" he said, being considerate of course.

The teacher chuckled and strolled over to Taeyong, observing the brownies. The boys were very very close. Taeyong could feel the warmth of his teacher's skin radiating off of him.

"Mr. Jung? Do you even like brownies?" Taeyong said quietly. The older rested a hand on Taeyong's shoulder, his thumb rubbing circles on his collarbone.

"Ah~ no need to call me 'Mr. Jung' outside of school, it's Jaehyun." He said. Tae nodded, his question going unanswered, well, until Jaehyun popped a brownie in his mouth.

"Sir do you have any movies? I don't have anything to do today and I want to watch movies with you" Taeyong stated. Jaehyun quirked a brow in amusement.

"Of course. I have brownies and movies"

Taeyong and Jaehyun sat on the couch, watching a scary movie. The two had about a foot of space in between them, and Taeyong was leaned forward, very attentive to the tv.

"Why are you sitting so far away?" Jaehyun suddenly asked. Taeyong turned toward him and shrugged, moving slightly closer. Not close enough.

"Is this scaring you?" Jaehyun asked. Taeyong shook his head.

"No, I like this movie. It takes a lot for a movie to scare me" He said with full confidence. Jaehyun smiled , but shook his head.

"'Not the movie. I mean me. Am I scaring you?"

"Why would you be scaring me?"

"I'm shirtless, you're on my couch, and I'm asking you to come closer to me" 

Taeyong smiled and scooted a lot closer. He was nearly sitting on Jaehyun's lap.

"Better?" He asked playfully. Jaehyun smirked.


"Taeyong-ah, wake up" he said into the boy's ear.
Taeyong let out a weird noise and then his eyes fluttered open, meeting Jaehyun's.

"What time is it?" The smaller asked.

"Almost midnight, do you want me to walk you home?"

Taeyong thought about it for a second, then he realized he didn't really want to go home.

"Can I stay here, with you?"

Jaehyun was a little shocked at the request, but said yes anyways.

Taeyong didn't want to sleep in the guest bedroom. Jaehyun didn't really want him to either, but he felt like it was the better thing to do.

"Please please, I won't bother you~ I just want to cuddle with you! And your bed looks more comfy! Please! I'll go right to sleep" Taeyong reasoned. Jaehyun needed to say no, but he couldn't. He didn't want to either.


"Can I wear this shirt?" Taeyong asked. He had found a black t-shirt lying on the bed and he wanted to sleep in it. It smelled strongly of Jaehyun, and it looked so comfy.

"It's dirty. You need a clean one"

"No I don't, I need this one." Taeyong argued. He wanted to wear Jaehyun's used shirt, not a clean boring one.


Taeyong smiled. He took his shirt off, not minding Jaehyun who was standing two feet away, and put on his new one.

"You look cute in it" Jaehyun said, making Tae blush. Tae looked at Jaehyun, really taking in his body. He was so well made, he had a gorgeous face, fluffy hair, broad shoulders, muscular arms, and abs. The sight made Taeyong's throat dry.

Jaehyun noticed Taeyong staring and stepped closer to him. He picked up one of the boy's hands and placed it on his warm chest. Tae flattened out his hand over Jaehyun's chest, feeling the smooth skin beneath his palm. He stared straight ahead, not saying a word, and not meeting Jaehyun's eyes.

"What am I going to do with you, Lee?" Jaehyun said, hardly audible.

The boys settled into bed, Taeyong scooted close to Jaehyun and buried his face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent. Jaehyun played with the younger's hair.

"Please, do not tell anyone about this, not yet" He said quietly.

"Mhm~ I promise"


This might be my longest chapter so far oh shoot.

Throwback to when Jaehyun jammed all that food into Taeyong's mouth

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Throwback to when Jaehyun jammed all that food into Taeyong's mouth. Poor baby.

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