Grab it and Leave

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Taeyong was nervous when they arrived at the teacher's house. His palms were sweaty, but he just rubbed them off on his thighs.

"Well, this is my front door." Mr. Jung suddenly said.

Taeyong giggles, making the teacher's heart flutter, which is fucking weird for him.

They enter the house and Taeyong looks at everything.

Looks nothing like my dream


Taeyong looks at his teacher, his tie now off and shirt unbuttoned at the top.

"Lee, you said something"

Taeyong quirks his head

"No I didn't"

The teacher sends Taeyong a questioning look and then nods.

"Well, the cologne is upstairs. You grab it and leave, understand?"

Taeyong nodded. He understands.

Mr. Jung's room was spotless. The bed was made perfectly, nothing on the floor, laundry basket was empty. He had a dark wood dresser with nothing on it but a TV and a collection of cologne.

"Wow, you have so many" Taeyong marveled. Mr.Jung let out a breathy laugh.

"I do, but I only wear the Versace one. I have multiple bottles."

Taeyong spotted the familiar cologne and picked it up, spraying it all over himself. He sprayed and sprayed, nearly suffocating the two.

"Lee- that's- a lot" The teacher said in between small coughs. Taeyong stopped and turned around, smiling sheepishly at his teacher.



"Have a good night Taeyong" Mr. Jung said as Taeyong made his way out of the teacher's house.

Taeyong smiled, feeling slightly ditzy from all of the cologne he inhaled.

"Bye Mr. Jung, thank you."

When Taeyong got back to his house, he ran upstairs and took his shirt off, shoving it into a bin full of other shirts that he had previously sprayed the teacher's cologne on. He quickly spritzed his room with the cologne and then put on his dresser, aligning the label perfectly with his bed,
so that it was perfectly readable from where he lay every night.

He stripped down and climbed under the covers, staring at the 200ml bottle on his dresser while slowly drifting off, reveling in the scent of
Eau Fraîche.


Kind of a filler chapter, super short I'm sorry.


I love when people comment. It makes my hecking day.

Vote on my dumb chapter 😡😡😡

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