Not a Lick of English

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Taeyong walked through the gates of school, with his only friend, Ten.

"I heard Mrs. Kim had a heart attack and died, so now we have a new English teacher" Ten said casually. Taeyong frowned. Died? That's so terrible.

"Do you know who it is?" He asked


Mr. Jung was so hot.

Taeyong studied the new teacher. He had light brown hair, and dimples. Very deep dimples. He wore a simple white button up and black trousers, with broad shoulders and a very small waist.

"I will be giving you a pre-assessment to see how far along this class is, and what I need to review or where I need to start." Mr. Jung said. Taeyong noted how smooth his voice was, every word dripping off of his tongue like honey. He watched as the new teacher placed a sheet of paper face-down on every desk, and felt excitement bubble up when Mr.Jung neared his desk.

The teacher placed the paper on Taeyong's desk with a warm smile that made Taeyong sick to his stomach. He flipped the paper to look on the other side, only to hear the teacher clear his throat.

"Sir, please refrain from looking at the paper until the test has started. I placed it face-down for a reason" Mr. Jung said sternly. Taeyong nodded, feeling his entire face burn with embarrassment. He watched the teacher pass out all of the papers and then return to his spot at the front of the classroom.

"You may now begin, please do not cheat, I need to know what YOU know."

Taeyong flipped over his paper and sighed. He didn't know any of this. He stared at the paper for a minute and then scribbled in words that looked English enough. He then walked to the front of the class and handed Mr. Jung his paper, avoiding eye contact.

"Wow, you finished so fast. You must be a smart one!" Mr. Jung said with a warm smile. Taeyong nodded and went to sit down back at his seat, cheeks red. He laid down on his desk, waiting for everyone else to finish. Soon enough, he found himself fast asleep.

"Mr. Lee? Hello?~" Taeyong jolted up and scanned the room, now empty except for the teacher. He slept past the bell. He hurriedly grabbed his stuff and shoved it into his book bag to get home for his tutoring session, but paused when he felt a big hand on his shoulder.

   "Taeyong, I reviewed your paper, not a single word up there was English." Mr. Jung said. Taeyong looked away from his intense stare, he felt embarrassed and dumb.

    "I have to go." was all Taeyong could say back. He got up to leave only to have the teacher tug on his sleeve, stopping him.

   "I want you to stay here, I want to tutor you. It's almost the end of the year and I don't want you to fail." Taeyong stared at the teacher, who looked at him hopefully, waiting for his offer to be accepted.

   "Mr. Jung I already have a tutor , and if you keep me here any longer, I'll miss today's session." Taeyong stated. The teacher looked at Taeyong and nodded, dismissing him.


okay sooo, my other books suck and i'm pretty determined to finish this one.

also, holy shit Jeffery looks so good 😩

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also, holy shit Jeffery looks so good 😩

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