day fourteen // [oil of ohhhh yes]*

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"Professor Mikaelson?"

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"Professor Mikaelson?"

Elijah's head snapped up as you stepped inside the empty classroom nextdoor to your own. Your fingers were slipping the buttons of your plum cardigan open as quickly as possible, before shrugging it off your shoulders.

"I need your assistance," you panted, fanning yourself as a single bead of sweat danced down the side of your face.

He stood from his chair and moved beside his desk.

"Certainly, Professor Y/L/N. What can I do for my favorite co-worker?" A smile teased at his lips as you stepped closer before laying your sweater down over his empty chair.

You plucked a vial of oil from the pocket of your dress, holding it between two fingers.

"A student handed me this earlier today. She said it was great for headaches after I mentioned I had one, and instructed me to apply it behind my ears and down my neck," you explained.

"Oh, yes. Essential oils can be used for all types of maladies." He offered you a shy smile of reassurance. "Has it helped?"

"I'm afraid not." You handed him the vial and began to inch closer to him, resting a palm against his chest. "You see, it has caused this other problem instead.."

Elijah could feel the warmth radiating from your body, and had to swallow a groan when your hand slid down over his torso.

"What sort of problem, Professor Y/L/N?" His normally velvety voice was a strained whisper, the gravelly tone amplifying the intense throbbing between your thighs.

"I.. I need.."

You weren't sure what, exactly, but the energy thrumming through your veins was intense and unexpected.

Perhaps you'd rubbed too much oil on your body, and it was making you sick. Or perhaps your quiet crush on the Biology Professor had become unbearable.

Either way, you knew you couldn't think of anything but touching Elijah Mikaelson all day.

"Something's wrong with me, I think."

As you moved even closer, the scent of the oil enveloped Elijah. Your typical vanilla fragrance, the one that he was quite fond of, had been replaced with something darker, more seductive.

He lifted the vial to his nose, and raised an eyebrow.

"Traditionally, oils such as Rosemary or Peppermint are used for migraines. However, I'm getting Jasmine and Ylang Ylang, which are.. um.." He flushed redder and redder the more he fumbled with his words.

"What? What is it, Professor?" Your other hand slid up towards his shoulder, squeezing the muscles gently and biting your lower lip.

"They are aphrodisiacs. They stimulate sexual desire when ingested or applied to the body," he murmured, trying unsuccessfully to ignore your touch.

Fourteen Days of Romance // Elijah Mikaelson - *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now