"Of course. I wanna know if there'd be a another chance at seeing your beauty. I'd be honoured to meet up with you again, gorgeous~"
Okay NOPe!
Too far, Louis. Too far..

"Yep and now I'm officially grossed out. Bye" you go to stand up, however Louis was faster than that and had quickly got a grasp of your arm. "H-hey!" You squeak in surprise, looking back at Louis; though you didn't expect to see him staring at your arm with obvious shock.
Your eyes widened once realising what he was looking at, or rather feeling for- Louis cast his gaze to you slowly. "...Y-Y/n.." he stuttered. His grip loosened slightly and you immediately took the chance to rip your arm back, quickly shaking it about so that your jumpers sleeve could bag around it again and conceal your deathly thin arm.
He suddenly stood up attempting to grab ahold of you to check the rest of your body, however this time you were the one to react faster.

You speed away from him, almost hyperventilating. "Y/n.. is there something you're not telling me?" His voice almost cracking, advancing closer to you wearily.
"N-no!" You yell out a little too quick. Damn it...
Immediately he could see through your lies.
"Y/n.." he sternly replied. "There's nothing wrong." You confidently stand ground this time.
"Then let me see-

"Stop!" You put your hands out in front of you. Your jumpers sleeve falling down your arms slightly, revealing your boney wrists that looked way too small and frail to support your hands. "Y/n you barely have any flesh on your bones!" Louis reasoned with immense stress.
"I've always been like this!" You shoot back to him, trying to prove your point. You lower your hands quickly upon noticing that your sleeves weren't covering your wrists anymore- you shrug your hands so that they disappear behind the fabric.

"As if! I think I'd know first off if my girlfriend was THIS thin." He growled. "You've dropped so much weight Y/n.. you were never skinny like this" he motioned to your frail and small body.
"Well then maybe you weren't paying close enough attention!" You argue. Dread filling you as Louis gave you an expression that you've never seen him wear before... "h-how.. how could you say that!? I care about you Y/n. I've always made sure to pay attention..." He took a deep breath, trying to push away any oncoming tears. "I'm not even sure how you managed to sneak your starvation past me all this time.. but I sure damn well ain't gonna let you go any further with this!." He walked towards you menacingly. Determination firing in his brown eyes that would normally be filled with burning light and happiness.
"In fact, I've noticed you getting thinner beforehand as the days passed by. At first I was in denial... but now.. now I see how bad your lack of eating has gotten." Louis began again, stalking closer.

"I was going to confront you.. to find out answers. I didn't want my theory to be right. But I guess I've found out today that I was indeed right by grabbing your arm that you smartly hide behind thick cloth." He looked to the ground before bringing his gaze back up to you, "so I'm confronting you now I guess. And I beg you not to tell me lies"

You gasp in shock as he stood extremely close to you, his height towering over you. You could smell his scent wafting off him while your body shook with complete and utter fear- You shrunk under his gaze nervously, but soon you became confused when you were suddenly pulled into his arms- his warmth enveloping you.
You don't dare to wrap your own arms around him... he'd only get another good feel of how thin my arms are..
That won't end too well.

"I care about you so much, Y/n... so much that I forget to look after my own self most of the time. I'm always focused on you, you're always running on my mind.." he murmured softly, "don't you get tired with all that running?" Louis chuckled, his breath tickling your ear. He held you tighter as if he were afraid he'd lose you if he let go.
"So please.. please, let me help you." He sounded on the verge of tears. You felt a tug at your heartstrings, your breathing rapid and shallow.
"I-I don't want to lose you..." he whispered sadly. "I'm scared.. I can't stand here and watch you do this to yourself.."

TWDG- Louis x Reader 【oneshots】18+ Where stories live. Discover now