Chapter 5: Yura, of the Demon Hair

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Emiko's pov

"I thought you would have gone home by now.. Why are you still here?" Inuyasha grumpily asked, as the two of us were tracking Kagome's scent. "Because there is obviously something more to this than it looks. I'm hoping that Kagome went back to the place that led us here in the first place. If I know my sister, she most likely went to the well so she can go home. Let's just hope nothing happened to her. If anything happened to her, this will be your fault." I said, looking away from Inuyasha. "How is any of this my fault?! She's the one who ran off!!" He shouted, "Because you were the one to pick a fight with her! Her name is Kagome!! Not Kikyo! I don't care how you felt about Kikyo, but don't treat Kagome horribly just because she resembles the woman you loved!!" I argued, glaring daggers at him.

"Down!!" Inuyasha shouted, I froze in my spot and turned to face Inuyasha slowly. "What did you just say?" He smirked, as my eyes connected with his. "I said Down!" His smirk grew larger as I growled at him but before I could do anything, my necklace shined and I hit the ground. I let out a little yelp, glaring up at Inuyasha who just smirked at me. "SIT BOY!" He plopped to the ground, with a large thud as a loud yelp came from him when he hit the ground. A small crater formed underneath him, I stood up to my feet and turned around completely furious as I headed for the Bone Eater's well. "Hey, come back here!!!!" Inuyasha shouted, but I only ignored him. I reached the bone eaters' well in no time and jumped down, passing through to my time. "Grandpa, you can't seal it off yet! Emi is still there!!" I heard Kagome's voice above me, she must have been here earlier. "Grandpa? Kagome? Are you up there?" I shouted, "Emi!!" Kagome rushed forward, looking down at me as Grandpa stared in shock.


I had a nice warm bath, thanks to Mom and once I got dressed I headed to my room. As I laid in bed, I couldn't help but think about what would happen if those jewelry shards landed in the wrong in hands. From what I had seen in the past two days, those Jewel shards are very powerful. I let out a loud sigh, turning onto my side. Just as I closed my eyes, I heard Mom's voice from downstairs. "Emi! Kagome!! Dinner's ready!!" I opened my eyes, crawling out of bed and headed downstairs.

"Grandpa, I don't think those things will really hold anything back. I don't think the talismen are strong enough." Sota exclaimed, he was worried about something coming out of there. He was terrified when we got pulled down that well, I know he must have been worried. I wonder if Inuyasha was going to be able to break through those talismen, hopefully he will. "Don't worry, those talismen are very strong. Nothing will get through the well." Grandpa shook his head as Mom set the plates on the table. I knew that Kagome didn't want to go back to the feudal era, but I felt that we needed to take responsibility for what happened with the Shikon jewel. Kagome was the one who broke the jewel in the first place, so the least we can do is take responsibility for what we did. Just as I picked up my chopsticks to dig into the food, the door opened and in barged Inuyasha. At first I was extremely surprised, but then again I knew why he was here.

"Who told you, you could go home?" Inuyasha demanded, glaring at Kagome which made me sigh. "How did you even get here?" Kagome asked, "Through the well." He answered, making me look over at Grandpa. "Those thing didn't hold up very well." Inuyasha said.

"You have to come back to my time and help me find the shards." Inuyasha stated, as Mom started playing with his ears. "Are these real?" I slightly giggled, seeing as Kagome did the same thing when we first came across Inuyasha. "Inuyasha, you have a hair on your shoulder." Kagome reached over and grabbed it off of his shoulder, I guess Kagome was the only who could see the hair because I couldn't.

"Kagome," I let out a small exclaim as I saw that her finger had started bleeding, which worried me. "What happened?" Mom asked, "This!" Kagome holds something up, which we couldn't see.

"Yura's manipulating strand! No!!" Kagome quickly stood up to her feet, rushing out of the house. This got both Inuyasha and I to follow as well as the rest of our family, I spotted Kagome up ahead near the well door. I sped up, catching up to her just as she walked in.

"More strands are coming out!" Kagome cried.

"Old Kaede was right. You have the vision at least." Inuyasha said calmly, leaning against the door.

"You brought something awful with you!" She turned to look at him, as my ears twitched from sudden movement.

"Emi!! Kagome!!" Grandpa, Mom and Sota rushed towards the hut which panicked Kagome. "Don't enter..." Kagome shouted to them, quickly slamming the door.

"Kagome, what's going on?" My ears twitched as Kagome suddenly jumped out of the way, I heard a thud against the door. "Inuyasha! In front of you!" Kagome shouted. Inuyasha quickly dodged whatever it was, but something stops him. Inuyasha pulls at the hair that was wrapped around his wrists and ankles, he managed to cut them. But as they fell to the floor, the strands gathered up.

"It gathers again, even when it's cut. There's no end to this." Kagome said and just as I moved towards Kagome, I was suddenly grabbed by the ankle.

"Huh? That's.. That's it! The main strand that's controlling everything." Kagome runs down the stairs, leading to the well as I finally cut the hair from my ankle.
"Inuyasha! Emi!! It's this one! Cut this strand." I followed her down the stairs, looking around but I couldn't see anything and neither could Inuyasha.

"This? Where?" Inuyasha struggled with hair that had him by his wrists. I heard Kagome mutter something, before smelling the scent of her blood. I looked over finally being able to see the strands of hair she had been pointing out, "I see it!" Inuyasha cuts the strand, causing the bundles of hair to fall to the floor and slither back to the well.

"Well, it looks like we're going to go back and deal with that hair demon.." I said, "Wow, that was a quick change of mind." Inuyasha huffed, crossing his arms.

"I don't really want to go." Kagome said, "Huh?" Inuyasha asked, raising an eyebrow. "But if we stay here, Gramps, Mom and Sota will be in terrible danger. Huh?" I looked over seeing that Inuyasha had placed his red robe over Kagome.

"This was woven with the fur of the Fire Rat. It's much stronger than an ordinary armor." Inuyasha explained, looking away from Kagome while I gave him a look. "T-thank you." Kagome stuttered, "Well, cuz... You look like you have really weird skin." Inuyasha spoke childishly, making me huff. "He's being childish.... But why though?" I chuckled slightly, making him glare at me but I only smirked at Inuyasha. "You're the weird one!" Kagome shot back, making Inuyasha roll his eyes. "Alright, enough you two. Let's go." I sighed and jumped down the well, Inuyasha and Kagome soon followed after me.

"Watch out, there's hair all over the well too!" Kagome warned, "Are you saying that this Yura with the combed hair is after us?" Inuyasha asked, as I climbed to the top of the well. "Yes. Look, she took the Sacred Jewel fragment, yet she still comes after us!" Kagome said, making me and Inuyasha look over at her.

"Hold it! Did you say she took it?!" Inuyasha asked, becoming irritated.

"Kagome! How could let that happen? We just got that shard!" I complained.

"I can see several glowing strands of hair there. There's the main strand that's been bewitching the others. That means if we follow the main strand, we'll find Yura!" Kagome ignored the both of us and suddenly points out to the forest. "That way!" Inuyasha, Kagome and I all headed to where she was pointing to. Inuyasha piggybacks Kagome as I ran beside them, we leap over a pond and find ourselves at a campfire site. I instantly stepped back when my eyes landed on the sight in front of me, the smell hit my nose and I nearly threw up.

"A bonfire.." Inuyasha said, as I saw that the corpses had arrows in them. "Their heads are gone." Kagome said, as Inuyasha let her off of his back.

" They're fallen warriors. They must've gotten tangled in the hair strands. Such bad luck." Inuyasha spoke, he then turns to look back at Kagome while I picked up a sword and it's sheath. "Stop looking so depressed! And don't start whining about wanting to go home." He said, making me shake my head.

"I thought I'd borrow this." Kagome said, picking up a bow and arrow.

"Then let's go. If we don't destroy Yura now, she will kill more people."

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