Chapter 18: One Thunder Brother Down! One More to Go!

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3rd person's pov

As Emi fell unconscious, Inuyasha cursed under his breath. Emi had taken the heat of the lightning and it seemed he wasn't the only one upset. "Manten! Watch where you shoot bolts! I want that female half-demon alive!" Hiten shouted, Manten responded with a sorry and continued after Kagome, who had been trying to wake Emi up. "Did you really think you could escape from me?" He picked Kagome up by the hair, making her wince in pain. "Shut up, you skinhead!" Kagome insulted, "What?!" Manten shouted, looking flabbergasted by the comment thrown at him. "Look, hair that you love!" Two bundles of Kagome's hair float out and twirl around Manten's wrist, stopping him as another Kagome runs towards him. "Two women?!" He yelled in shock, "I'm taking back my arrow!" The Kagome who just appeared plucks the arrow from Manten's nose while the hair of the Kagome that Manten is holding turns orange.

"Why you're...a fox!" Manten yelled, "I'm gonna avenge my father's death!" Shippo yelled, "Shippo, hold him down!" She commanded, "If I hit the Sacred Jewel fragments in the forehead..." Kagome thought, "I can beat him!" Kagome raises the arrow at Manten's head and fires, Manten blocks Kagome's arrow which sends her to the ground as he throws Shippo onto the ground. "Why you...!" Shippo reverts to normal and Manten kicks him far away, "I'll choke you to death!" Manten grabbed Kagome's neck, choking her.

"Inuyasha...!" Kagome called weakly. Inuyasha blocks two of Hiten's attacks, "Kagome!" He called, "Emi, wake up! Wake up damnit, that bastard is going to kill Kagome!" Emi's ears twitched, her fingers twitching as well. Hiten hits Inuyashas on the shoulder with his pike, "Stop looking away!" He demanded, wanting Inuyasha's full attention on him. Hiten drags his pike downwards forcefully, sending Inuyasha to the ground. Tetsusaiga falls out of Inuyasha's hand and reverts back to its rusty state. It is stuck into the ground a distance away from him. Inuyasha, wincing in pain, tries to get up but is stopped short by Hiten who points his pike in Inuyasha's face. "Hah! You're not what they said about you. I expected more of a fight! Weakling! How about I kill you slowly, one limb at a time?" Hiten smirked.

"I can't concentrate on him. I have to take care of Kagome first." Inuyasha held his shoulder, thinking to himself. His eyes go to Emi, who is still unconscious which worries him. "She should have woken up by now... What if she was hit by a bolt of lightning?" He thought.

"Look, this half-demon! He's given up!" Hiten boasted.

"I'm having fun here, too, Brother!" Manten laughs, "A woman on the verge of death is irresistible!" Shippo jumps onto Manten's arm, "Cut it out!" Shippo screamed.

"Shut up!" Manten swings and punches Shippo away, while grabbing Kagome with the other hand. Shippo lands and rubs his scratched cheek while glaring up at Manten, he wants to get revenge for what happened to his father. "Angry, fox tyke? Well, just wait. After I kill her, I'll fleece you." Manten laughed as he showed off a fox pelt. "Just like I did your old man." Shippo stares at Manten with angry tears welling in his eyes, "Maybe I'll turn you into a hood. I'll use father and son until both their fur fall off!"

"Manten, you're becoming pretty clever with words!" Hiten praised.

Manten raises his head and laughs smugly, "Brother praised me,"

"Unforgivable!!" Shippo screamed, he leaped up and bit into Manten's thick neck, "Hmmm? You fool!" Manten grabs Shippo's head, "I won't let go even if it kills me!" Shippo muttered through his clenched teeth. Manten tries to pry Shippo off, but Shippo was very determined to stay on Manten's neck. "Fox tyke... Release me!" He punches him on the head, "Release me! Or I'm going to beat your head to a pulp!" Manten hits Shippo on the head repeatedly, causing Shippo to cry in pain while he struggles to hang on.

"Manten... Watch out or you'll soil his fur with blood. Then he won't even make a hood."

Emi's eyes flutter open slowly as she makes out what is being said, her eyes slowly move towards Inuyasha to see that he was cornered by Hiten. When she saw him looking away from Hiten, she followed his line of vision to see Manten choking Kagome while Shippo was trying to stop him. "" Emi mumbled, Inuyasha's ears twitched and his eyes shifted from Kagome to Emi who was lying a few feet away from Manten. He saw her slightly move and her ears twitch endlessly, as she struggled to get up. The bolt that she took hit her harshly, enough that she was bleeding from her temple.

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