Chapter 14: Enter Shippo... Plus the Amazing Thunder Brothers!

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Emi's pov

Kagome, Inuyasha, and I were sitting around the campfire while Kagome was cooking instant noodles for Inuyasha to try. "Okay, three minutes are up." Kagome carefully removed the noodles from the fire and placed them down in front of Inuyasha and me Inuyasha started to dig in, and Kagome split the ramen between Inuyasha and me. "Tastes great." Kagome smiled as she looked at me, "Kagome, this is really good!" Inuyasha exclaimed, for some reason, his reaction was adorable to witness. I think it was cute to see Inuyasha be amazed by something we've brought back from our time period. "Aren't you having some?" Inuyasha asked, perplexed by the idea of Kagome not eating with us. I could tell that she wasn't too happy about eating in a place where a huge battle had taken place. "Listen you! How can you two eat in a place like this... the aftermath of a battle?" Kagome questioned, not particularly happy with Inuyasha and I. "You suddenly decide you're hungry... and take everything out of my backpack!" She snapped, I didn't say anything and kept eating. "What's wrong with having a leisurely lunch.. by a pretty stream of a field of flowers?" She asked, "Kagome, I hate to break it to you but eating by a field of flowers doesn't exactly sound very nice. We could accidentally start a fire in that flower field if the wind blew harder." I spoke up, making Inuyasha nod in agreement. "Oh, you! You're so uncouth!" She huffed, I only chuckled at her choice of words toward Inuyasha. "I must say, though, Kagome... your country has many convenient things. I was shocked at your 'bicycle'. But a thing that tells time... and by looking at your strange foodstuffs... you do much trade with foreigners from the south." Myoga spoke. He sounded so wise, there was no question as to why Inuyasha's father trusted him to watch over Inuyasha as he grew up. "Wow! Myoga, you're very smart." Kagome said, "Yeah, Myoga. You are smart." I smiled, chewing on some noodles. "However, did you know that cup noodles were invented by the Japanese?" Kagome started, "Huh?" Inuyasha looked at us confused, "The cup noodles were intended for people to use in outer space." I explained, "Outer Space?"

"Yes." Kagome and I said in unison.

"Humans go to outer space..." Myoga muttered, "Oh yeah, did you know we even went to the moon!" Kagome seemed so excited to teach them about the things of our time but it made me worry a little bit. Do we have a direct effect on their history? "The moon?" Myoga shouted, "How?" Inuyasha asked, he seemed just as fascinated as Myoga did. "Using a rocket."

"A rocket?"

"It's huge... and fire shoots out from the bottom.. and Kaboom! By next time, we'll have studied up on it." Kagome smiled, it made me happy to see just how happy this really made her. The smile faded when I looked up at the sky, noticing how quickly it got dark. "What? It suddenly got dark." Kagome looked up at the sky, "What's this?" Inuyasha dropped his trash as he moved, making Kagome and Myoga slightly upset. "Master Inuyasha, you mustn't litter!" Myoga scolded, "This is no time to be concerned about that!" My ears twitched and I looked around, noticing a huge pink blob floating over us.

"You there! You possess the Sacred Jewel!"

"What?!" Kagome cried out, "A demon?"

"No..." Inuyasha trailed off, "That's foxfire!"

"Foxfire?!" Kagome and I shouted, "Hand it over! Or I'll kill you!" He threatened Kagome, making both Inuyasha and me upset. I immediately stood in front of my sister, growling at the demon in front of us. Inuyasha simply knocked the demon on the head, making the pink blob suddenly disappear. In its place was a small child and he was absolutely adorable, "Oww!" The child held his head, "Huh? A child?" Kagome quipped, as I tilted my head in confusion as to why a child was out here. "What're you doing?! You heathen!" I let out an amused chuckle at the choice of words used, while Inuyasha held up the child.

"Hey! You've got a tail!"

"Hah! You're just a baby fox in disguise!"

"Yeah, I'm a fox." The child admitted, "Oh, how cute!!!" I squealed, "Yeah, he's so cute. Let me hold him next!" Kagome lined up behind Inuyasha, "Why're you lining up behind me?" Inuyasha looked back at Kagome, when Inuyasha looked back at his hand a statue was now sitting on it. "Huh? Ajizo statue?" The fox demon then rummaged through Kagome's stuff, making me annoyed but I found the whole thing very amusing. That was until the kid found Kagome's jewel shards, which she had been keeping safe in a small glass bottle. "ah-hah-ha! It's mine!" He started laughing, and then he disappeared. "HEY! Get back here!!" I shouted, looking around for the small demon child. All three of us thought that he disappeared in the cloud of smoke, only to see a skull with a fox tail suspiciously sticking out moving away from us. Inuyasha grabbed him again, "Who are you?" Inuyasha asked, holding him up. I had to admit, Inuyasha was being very rough with the kid and that didn't sit well with Kagome and I.

"My name is Shippo." The kid introduced.

"Shippo, it's nice to meet you. My name is Kagome and this is my sister, Emi. And this is Inuyasha." Kagome smiled, Shippo looked between Kagome and I, I could tell he was puzzled by our relation seeing as I was a half demon and she wasn't. "You two are sisters? How?" He asked, looking at me. "Does that really matter?" I quirked an eyebrow at him, "No, I guess it doesn't. If you two say you're sisters, then I believe you." He said, he sounded so mature for a child. I let out a small squeal, startling Inuyasha as I took Shippo from him. "Why are you so cute?!" I squealed, hugging Shippo who blushed.

"Emi, what has gotten into you?! Haven't you forgotten he tried to take the jewel shards?!" Inuyasha growled.

"Relax, Inuyasha." Kagome started, "Emi can't help it. She loves cute things and Shippo is only a child. But that does beg the question, why are you after the Sacred Jewel shard?" Kagome looked at Shippo, "To avenge... To avenge my father!" Shippo exclaimed.

"Avenge?" I asked, looking down at Shippo who was near to tears. "Was your father killed?" He only nodded, trying to keep himself from crying. "Hmmm.. so you wanted to gain strength by using the Sacred Jewel shard?" Inuyasha asked, he suddenly snatched Shippo from me taking me by surprise. "Hey!" I exclaimed, Inuyasha only waved me off. Just as I was about yell at him, a cloud formed above us and thunder sounded with lightning following. "Huh? What's that cloud?" Kagome looked up, I took a step closer to her, ready for anything.

"Ready to hunt, Manten?" A handsome demon asked, he really was but not as handsome as Sesshomaru. "Yes, brother Hiten." The other demon said, he wasn't very good looking and something told me that these two were trouble. As I looked at Hiten, I noticed that he had a shikon jewel shard in his forehead, which probably is what gave him strength. "Wow, Hiten's handsome." I whispered, "Emi," Kagome smacked my arm, "Sorry.. Though, he's not as handsome as Sesshomaru." I shrugged, "Hey," Inuyasha snapped, "Sorry." I held up my hands in mock surrender to him. The two of them showed their strength but I not was impressed nor was I afraid, Sesshomaru is literally a whole different level than these two. I was more afraid of Sesshomaru than I am of these two, I got the sense that they liked to brag and were both really cocky.

"I have so much power left over. The power of the Sacred Jewel imbedded in my forehead is real."

"I'll say."

"So let's keep gathering more and more, Manten!" Hiten said, "Yeah!" Manten smiled, "We'll look high and low for beats like this fox who posses the Sacred Jewel and beat 'em to death!" Hiten said, this made me grimace in disgust. "Your father possessed a Sacred Jewel fragment?" Kagome asked, looking to Shippo. Shippo nodded and I could tell that he was close to tears, he looked so angry. "Those two go around killing demons who possess fragments." Shippo said, "Those two?" Inuyasha asked, "The Thunder brothers." Myoga said, just where in the world did he come from? I remembered he left when those two first showed up. "You, Hiten and Maten?" Kagome asked, "I have heard that they are unruly, mean brothers." Myoga said, "Oh, that's just great." I sighed, my ears twitching at the sounds coming from around us.

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