Chapter 4: Down the Rabbit Hole and Back Again

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Emiko's pov

"It's soo cold." Kagome complained, we were in a nearby lake since we both needed a bath. I sat in a small spot where the boulders were while Kaede had set out clothes for us to wear, I remembered that Kaede said that the three of us would have to work together making me sigh. Why did Kagome have to shatter the jewel? I bet Sota, Mom, and Grandpa are worried about us. It's been about a few days since we fell down the well and ended up here, "Emi, what are you thinking about?" Kagome's question broke my train of thought as I stood up, suddenly surprising her. She fell backward a bit in the water but quickly recovered as I scratched the back of my head. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something random." I apologized, "It's alright, what were you thinking about?" Kagome asked, "It's nothing, don't worry about it. We should get out now." After Kagome and I stepped out of the lake, I turned my head to look around and my eyes landed on white hair. I turn away for a moment but look back, taking another look. Wait a minute...... Is that who I think it is? Spying on us? "Inuyasha!!!!" He noticed my facial expression as I started growling, which caught Kagome's attention.

"What are you growling at, Emi?" She followed my line of vision and instantly blushed, upon seeing Inuyasha looking down at us. "Heh, I wasn't looking at you guys. I was looking for the opportunity to steal the Shikon Jewel, not peeping." I growled louder and stalked out towards the edge of the water but before I could get any further, Kagome grabbed onto me. Her arms wrapped around my stomach and she tried to hold me back, which didn't work very well. "Come on, Emi... Calm down. Please!!" She pleaded but I got free from her and stalked out of the water, grabbing the clothes that Kaede left for me and quickly got dressed. I stuck my shoes on and stomped over to Inuyasha, while Kagome was dressing in the Miko robes that Kaede had given her. I gave him a good smack on the back of the head, making him growl at me.

"What the hell did you do that for?!"

"For being a pervert!!! We were taking a bath and you were looking when you weren't supposed to!!!" I shouted, crossing my arms.

"And I already told you, I wasn't looking!!" He argued.

"Guys, will you two stop it already?!" Kagome shouted, clearly frustrated at us.

"You three should honestly work together. There's no telling how much trouble Kagome and Emiko could get with them having the jewel as well as the jewel pieces being scattered across the entire area." Kaede reiterated but Inuyasha didn't want to hear it, of course, he wouldn't. "I don't want to work with them! I'd rather hunt down those shards myself." Inuyasha stated and huffed while I growled at him, before I could say anything else a woman appeared asking for Kaede's help. So Kaede left with the woman to help her ill daughter and once she was gone, I turned back to Inuyasha. "Change back into your original clothes," Inuyasha demanded, when his eyes landed on Kagome. He didn't look so happy to see what Kagome was wearing, which got me wondering if it had to do with the fact that she looked like Kikyo. I mean... Kikyo was Inuyasha's lover, so if she wore the same clothes as her maybe Inuyasha would be more agitated.

"You know if you keep being mean, then there is no way we can work together." Kagome stated, "Yeah, like I care. I can find the Shikon jewel shards on my own." Inuyasha huffed, making me angry. "Well since you don't need me, then I'm going home! I'll see you at home, Emi." Kagome stormed off, making me sigh. Whenever Kagome was in a bad mood, she and I tended to get into really big arguments. One that usually left us both, not talking to each other at all.

"That's great, Inuyasha! Just great! Now she's pissed!!" I turned to face him, making him huff. "Yeah, well whatever. I can find those shards on my own like I said!" He argued, making me growl and roll up my sleeve. "You jerk! You do realize that Kagome and I are the only two who can see the jewel shards!!" I shouted and he huffed again, he is seriously so annoying. "Whatever!" He looked away and I finally got agitated enough with him, "That's it! Sit!!!" Inuyasha's necklace glowed, he plopped to the ground with a yelp and I stared in shock.

"What the hell?! I only thought your sister could say the command!" He shouted, as he looked up at me with anger. Instead of answering him, I walked away which made him follow after me. "Hey!! Come back here! We aren't done! Tell me how you did that!!" Inuyasha called after me as I ignored him and kept walking, I was heading back towards the village to find Kagome. But then I realized that she was going home, I didn't want to really go home but I needed to get Kagome so we could try to find another shard. "Hey!!! Are you even listening to me?" I snapped out of my daze, as Inuyasha stood in front of me. "What Inuyasha?" I snapped, "I asked how did you do that?!!! I thought only Kagome could shout the command!!" He argued, "Well, Inuyasha, I don't know how I did it! I guess because Kagome and I are sisters, I can say the command as well!! Quit whining!" I growled, "I ain't whining!!" I walked away from him, heading to the village when I was suddenly attacked by one of the girls from the village. "Hey! What the hell is your problem?!" I snapped, but noticed something was off just as another girl tried to attack Inuyasha.

"Looks like they want a challenge." Inuyasha smirked, making me roll my eyes. Something was off and I didn't like the feeling I was getting one bit, it was something I felt was going to happen. Before Inuyasha could do anything, Kaede appeared but she was also injured.

"Old lady Kaede, what's going on? How did you get that wound?" I asked, looking over to her as did Inuyasha. "Where's Kagome?" She asked, "She went home." Inuyasha stated, "Yeah, no thanks to this idiot over here." I scoffed, making Inuyasha glare at me. "The girls are being controlled, don't harm them."

I noticed the village men arriving and assumed that they were being controlled as well. "We need to retreat." Inuyasha and I decided it was best to, I honestly hoped that Kagome was alright. Inuyasha buried Kaede somewhere, to hide her and we both ran off to find Kagome while Kaede pretty much ranted. She wanted to make sure Inuyasha would come back to find her after we found out what was going on, but all that raced on my mind was the wellbeing of my sister.

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