Chapter 3: Seekers of the Sacred Jewel!!

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Emiko's pov

"Damnit, I trusted him to easily!" I shook my head as I took chase after Kagome and Inuyasha, since he was determined to kill Kagome she took off running into the forest before I could do anything to stop Inuyasha. This in turn made Inuyasha chase after her, which led me to chasing after him. "How could I be so stupid? I trusted him to easily and now he's trying to kill Kagome." Kaede rushed after me but since I had run track back in eighth grade, I was a lot faster than her and Kagome combined.

I pushed myself faster as Kagome dodged every single one of his attacks, I jumped over Inuyasha landing on the bridge in front of him and continued after Kagome as we finally made it across. "Give me the jewel," I pushed Kagome behind me and saw Kaede pull something out of her pocket and throw it around Inuyasha's neck, telling her to call out a command. "Oi, old lady Kaede, you had another one?!!" I shouted, turning to her as she only ignored me. Kagome seemed reluctant as to giving him a command until he swiped at her, nearly taking the jewel shard from her.

"Sit boy!!" Kagome shouted, the necklace glowed and Inuyasha plopped face first into the boards of the bridge making me shudder, then he fell through into the small river the bridge. Inuyasha comes up from the water all wet and grumpy which is really his fault as he tried to take the necklace off, I realized I did that when Kaede first put the stupid beads on me.

The next day...

I stretched my arms out as my ears twitched several times and walked with a yawn. The villagers had already started working on rebuilding parts of the village, "All kinds of evil will come after the jewel." Kaede warned, I was glad that Inuyasha wasn't really a threat to Kagome anymore which was great but I realized that we would have a lot more problems to deal with. I let out a sigh as I leaned against my arms, "Inuyasha, it's been fifty years since you were sealed away to the Sacred Tree." Kaede explained, making me look at Inuyasha. "Heh, then Kikyo must look extremely old." Inuyasha scoffed. "Kikyo died directly after you were sealed." I couldn't believe that she had died afterwards because of the fatal wound, but it was hard to believe that Inuyasha gave her the wound.

"Heh, well I don't care."

"I think that Kagome really is Kikyo's reincarnation. It's not just because ye looks like her but because the jewel was inside of ye body." Kaede explained and I started to feel hungry, but what creeped me out was that the villagers kept thinking that Kagome did look like this Kikyo person. "Hey, listen here! Kagome isn't that Kikyo woman you keep speaking about. They are two totally different people! Her name is Kagome! Ka-go-me!!" I spelled out, getting irritated with these people when they started to believe that Kagome was Kikyo.

"Inuyasha, why don't you come have dinner with us?" I spit my water out, turning to Kagome. "Are you crazy?!!! Have dinner with the boy who tried to kill you?!! Why should we have dinner with someone like him?!!" I pointed at Inuyasha, looking at Kagome like she was crazy.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever... It's not like I want to have dinner with you either. I'm only going because I want to eat." Inuyasha said with attitude.

I sighed as Kagome and I sat down to eat, "Whatever you two are up to, I ain't buying it. Especially from you," Inuyasha looked to me, I growled at him as my ear twitched. "I think you hate me because I look like Kikyo. But I want to start fresh." Kagome stated, making me huff. "I just want the sacred jewel. You two are just trying to lure me into a trap leading me into a false sense of security." Inuyasha said, "You know all I can say is Sit," I heard a loud crash behind me and turned my head, seeing that Inuyasha had fallen out of the tree. I couldn't hold back my laughter as I bursted into tears just laughing at him, which only made him angry with me.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?? Huh?!!"

"For you being stupid." He growled at me and sat up, "Oh yeah, well you aren't all that bright either." I stopped laughing and growled at Inuyasha, very pissed off with his insult. "What did you say?!" I got in his face, while Kagome tried to keep us from getting into an even larger fight. But it was too late, "You mangy mutt!! I oughta rip you a new one for trying to kill Kagome after we freed you!!" I rolled up my sleeves and held my fist back, while Inuyasha grew angrier.

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