Chapter 6: Aza

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Ash smoothed out her dress and sighed as one of the maids did her hair up. Reluctantly she had to leave Hage after the two days. Her mother and father summoned her as soon as she stepped foot back into their home. Her faces was dirty and her mother nearly fainted when she saw her daughter. Water was immediately run for her and she was scrubbed head to toe, to become the beautiful royal woman they had always wanted.

Her armor was switched for a white and gold dress that reached the floor. She walked into the dining room to see the man who was training her to become better, Nozel Silva. She smiled to the royal and bowed to him as she stepped in the door.

The room was rather large and the table took up a third of the room. On the high ceilings were paintings of battles that could have only been of the LeBelle's family. The drapes were a soft white and gold and in the center was a breathtaking crystal chandelier, the master piece of the room. 'I've always hated this room.' Ash thought to herself as she looked at the plates that hid cracks in the table from fights that had broken out because of her family's arguments.

Her father sat at the head of the table with her mother on his right and an empty chair on his left. Nozel sat next to the empty seatband a maid came to push Ash into the empty seat.

Ash bowed once more at the silver haired man before taking a seat beside him. "Nozel." She said in a soft voice. He looked at her and nodded and the looked at her parents. Most children look like their parents, in the LeBelle family this was not the case. Ash's mother was a tall blonde haired woman with blue eyes and her Father was rather round and stout male who only had hair on the side of his head. In no way did Ash or Aza look remotely like their parents.

"I have come on behalf of the Magic Knights. It seems that we have all reached a decision on where Ashton will end up, in a month." He said. " I regret saying that she will not be in The Silver Eagles. But-"

"Oh, Ashton! I am so sorry this has happened to you!" Her mother said and somehow Model and Ash knew this woman was not being genuinely sorry. "But there are so many men that would marry you immediately!"

Nozel cleared his throat and glared at the woman. " But instead we have decided to place you in The Golden Dawn. That was what I was going to say. "

Ash's mother wrinkled her nose and a crease appeared in the center of her eyebrows. "So what, I cannot stand here and watch another daughter disappear! I will not permit her leave and go fighting people! "

"Yes, after Aza died we didn't think we could recover." Her father said proudly . "If you think-"

Ash cleared her throat as she glared at her Mother and Father. "The only reason you miss Aza is because you can't Marry her off one day to some stuck up Noble. The only reason she joined the Magic Knights is because it was the only way of her fighting for what she believed in." She spat.

"Do not talk to your mother that way! And apologize to Sir Nozel for your outburst." Her father ordered but instead his wife put a hand up and ordered him to stop talking. "Camila? "

Her mother looked baffled that Ash was speaking to her in this manner and her eyes narrowed. "We are the Royal Family LeBelle! And we must continue our name so we can continue with the ruling of the Clover Kingdom! I am far too old to have another child and I will not lose you as well! Do not be a disgrace to this family!" Her mother started to have a white magical aura around her body and the temperature dropped in the room.

"I mean you aren't a saint! This isn't about me or Aza or missing anyone! This is about me marrying a Royal so you can get the prefect little status that you have always wanted! Well heres some news for you, I don't want this mother! In fact if I could I would not even call you that!" Ash spat, her blood was starting to get hot and it just wasn't her being angry. Her golden eyes flared a brighter color and the mana around her body was starting to glow.o

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