Chapter 5: Care

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"Now that we have decided on most of the Royals. But what about The House LeBelle? They're daughter Ashton is now ready for the Magic Knights. Where would she go?" Marx asked the Magic Knight captains and their Vice Captains. "She has had good training. I think Silver Eagles would be best for her."

"She uses Fire Magic. Wouldn't The Crimson Lions be better?" The Captain of the Blue Rose Knights asked as she looked at the paper she was given.

Fuegoleon nodded in agreement. "Yes, The LeBelle girl would be more fit for my squad. Her Fire Magic is something that would benefit The Crimson Lion's greatly."

Nozel cleared his throat and everyone turned to him. "Aza was a powerful knight and she wanted her sister to join the same one she did. If Aza ever returns it would break her heart to see her sister with another Guild." He stated calmly.

But the masked Captain of The Golden Dawn suddenly spoke. "I think she would flourish better in The Golden Dawn. Her power is great and her future is bright." He said to them.

" But it says here her Magic is hard to control. Whenever she shows her emotions somebody or something is set on fire. Is this really someone we want on our team? " Langris, The Vice-Captain of Golden Dawn asked.

"As her Mentor, Ashton has improved enough to where she can conceal her emotions and she is stable enough for use of her spells," Nozel replied as he closed his eyes. "I know her, which is why she should be with the Silver Eagles. She never loses control around me and the Silva family."

"Which is why she should be separated from you." Feugoleon said to him. "if the girl is not away from you she will never be able to control her magic on her own. Therefore her full potential will always be unattainable."

"But if we were to separate her she could harm her teammates," Charlotte said as she broke into the males conversation as it was getting heated. "The Black Bulls would be more acceptable for her."

"Hah! I already have a good fire mage! I don't need another one!" Yami said as a matter of factly. "And I already got the Silva girl. Too many royals for my team say something about you guys right?"

Nozel scoffed and opened his eyes as he skimmed over her information. "Ashton LeBelle is still considered a powerful Royal. And as long as she carries the name of LeBelle she will not be demoted to such a lowly guild." He said calmly but his voice was sharp as he gave the Black Bulls Captain the insult.

"It would be a waste for Ash to be in The Black Bulls though," Feugoleon said after a thought. "If someone cannot deal with the amount of mana she has, and she cannot reach her full potential, it might kill her."

"She is Aza's sister," Nozel said, his face showed no emotions but his eyes suddenly looked sad as he spoke of Aza. Painful memories were all he could feel deep down. Not that he would ever show anyone. "If it was Aza she would tell us to not look down on her."

"But you must think of the Clover Kingdom," Charlotte said as she glanced over Ash's paperwork once more. " If she does anything destructive then it will scar the Captain's name and their squads. I do not approve of someone on my squad with such loose power. "

"But she is still powerful, the worst possible thing I have heard is the spatial awareness she has of a certain space," Fuegoleon said. "I have visited Ashton many times before and after receiving her grimoire, she tries harder than anyone else. She would be a worthy asset in any Magic Knights Squad, but to put her in a Squad where she will be bottled up won't work either. Black Bulls would be ideal for her or the Golden Dawn. " He said firmly.

"I have nobles, in the Golden Dawn who will be able to handle her. This would be the best for her." William said firmly but still keeping his cool composure.

Nozel scoffed and then nodded his head. "Golden Dawn would be the best choice. Other than The Silver Eagles of course."

Fuegoleon closed his eyes and nodded. "So then we all agree. Golden Dawn will receive another Royal this year."

The other Captains nodded and mumbled in agreement but still a bit of reluctance in their voices. Nozel suddenly thought about the oldest LeBelle daughter, it had been years since she went missing but no one ever since she died. Though he has his doubts in the years she has been gone, some part of him wants her to stay gone. Because his feelings for her haven't changed.

15 Years Ago

"Come on! Nozel! You are a stick! Hurry up!" Aza yelled cheerfully as she grabbed the young noble's hand. A smile wide across her face as she turned around to him. Nozel looked down at their hands and smiled faintly. His heart raced for this girl. A stupid happy girl who never saw anyone as someone weaker than her. How did he fall for someone of such low standards?

Because her beauty and Charisma were unlike any other. The way she laughed and the way she fought. Everything made him fall deeper and deeper in love with her. "Don't pull on me. It's disgraceful." He stated calmly as he tried to pry his hand away from hers.

Aza turned to him and purses her lips. "But. I want to show you something!" She chirped. "I think it's so cool! Maybe you'll like it too! But to be honest, we don't hang out much anymore." Her voice suddenly went quiet as she looked up at him, her golden eyes glowing with excitement. She had a wide smile as she waited for the noble to talk to her.

"What is it? Last time you came here, you showed me the river. It's a river, not gold." He stated coldly. "Of course coming from you, it's expected for you to be so amused by something so simple."

Aza pursed her lips and shook her head. "To be truthful to you, I just needed to see you. Without my Mother and Father glaring at me. You know they want me to marry you. But I don't think I can do that." She said as she looked at the garden's flowers.

Nozel had a faint blush on his cheeks as she mentioned marriage to him. "Why not?" He asked. "Anyone, even you would want to marry a Royal like me. And if you did you would be lucky." He snorted.

Aza narrowed her eyes at him and her eye color darkened. "That maybe. But if you become the Wizard King. Who will protect you? I want to help everyone and marriage is the last thing on my mind.

The silver-haired teen nodded and watched as Aza sat down, she'd always been different. But he didn't need protection from her. If anything he wanted her to be safe. "I don't need you to help me do anything." He spat as Aza sat down on a rock.

"I know that but you are always so amazing! Even your magic is gorgeous! I wish my magic looked like yours." She said softly. " I always seem to compare myself to you and I see you and I want to get stronger. For you. " She said as she looked up at him and she started to turn red. " You have always been so amazing and I want to impress you. "

Nozel was speechless at her words and he turned away from her and his face suddenly softened. The way he felt for her was strange to him and he suddenly nodded in agreement. "It's strange you say that when I actually want to marry someone. If it ends up being you... I ' it." He muttered to her quietly and Aza smiled at him. She didn't respond but just nodded as she hugged him.

"I hope you do!" She said as she let him go. "Did you hear, by the way? My mother's pregnant! I'm gonna be a big sister! I am going to teach them everything they should know about being a Magic Knight! And then one day they'll join the Silver Eagles one day and we'll be together!" She clapped. Nozel nodded and watched as Aza paid no attention or signs of embarrassment of what she had just said to him. She really had no idea, what she did to him.

She never did.

Present Day

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