Chapter 7: Effort For None

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Fyre perched on Ash's shoulder as they stepped through the portal to the Golden Dawn base. Ash's eyes flicked all around as they ended up in the court yards of their new home, the past month or two Ash was busy training her body to make sure she could calm down and her magic wouldn't go crazy.

Royals shouldn't have to train their magic, but for whatever reason she couldn't stop training her magic. It seemed to her, that it came too easily for everyone else around her. Knowing this and seeing it she seemed to be suffering in silence. Mimosa didn't understand and neither did her parents, only person who did understand was Noelle who took a particular disliking for Ash since she had gotten more attention from Nozel then she did. 

5 Years Ago

"Noelle!" Ash yelled and waved at the youngest Silva daughter. Fyre who was much smaller flew behind trying to keep up with the hyperactive child. Her normal royal clothes were scuffed and tattered from playing in the dirt and playing roughly with Leopold. Ash's red black hair was frizzy but the smile on her face was pure. Running towards Noelle she stopped at her feet almost tripping over her feet Ash giggled as she looked at the other girl.

"Hey, Noelle! " She said as she looked around Noelle and noticed the earth around her was muddy and there was water everywhere. "Are you practicing your magic? I have magic too, but it's fire magic. Nozel said he would teach me to use it properly, maybe we can practice together?" She offered her golden eyes glowing with happiness. Ash was trying hard these past years since her sister had disappeared but everyone still thought she was just the same.

Noelle turned her head away and snubbed up her nose as she looked at Ash up and down and scoffed. "I don't need help from a filthy wannabe royal! Look at you, you're clothes are a mess and so is your posture. I don't want to be seen with your laughing stock of a house." She spat at Ash and the other girl took a step back, her smile fell as she backed away from Noelle. Seemingly fuming with anger Noelle pushed past Ash and started walking away from her.

Ash, was dumbfounded, her face was turned into a strange look of discomfort. Then it turned into anger and she clenched her fists. What had she done to her to make her act that way to her? Why did everyone she tried to be friends with look down on her? Ash was a child and still the townspeople glared at her family no matter who it was. Her parents were cruel and The Silva's kept saying stupid things that made Noelle hate her. All she wanted was a friend.

These thoughts ran through her head as the mud and water started to boil and her body started to get hotter. Knitting her eyebrows together Ash's hair started to emit embers and soon a small fire started around the little girl. Fyre who was no bigger then the size of a bucket at the moment screeched and started to fly towards the castle where the other royals were.

Ash on the other hand stayed in the flames her body wasn't effected by the fire and flames felt almost peaceful, as if she belonged like this. The rage she felt was very strong, especially for someone her age. She didn't know how to feel and no one else felt this way, she was always different but her rage never seemed to leave her. She almost let herself be engulfed in the flames completely but a loud voice brought her back to her senses.

"Ashton!" A worried male's yell shouted through the rest of everyone else. Ash opened her eyes as fear came over her like a wave. Recognizing what was going on Ash looked around her and her eyes widened. The embers from her hair soon disappeared and the bright fire was soon gone.

Tears flowing from her eyes Ash, felt lost and confused. Where was As a when she really needed her?

End of Flashback

Shaking her head, Ash looked down at the ground to look at her shoes. It wasn't anyone's fault but her own. She didn't realize how powerful her emotions were then and even know they were stronger from the resentments that had built up inside. Her parents were ignoring her since they got into their last fight.

They had even gone to the lengths of moving all of Ash's belongings to the courtyards and started throwing out most of her clothes that she never wore. Not that she really cared about her clothes but Ash left her family's castle after they had almost killed her prized bird.

Which was 2 weeks before she could actually be in the Golden Dawn so she has been wandering around Castle Town for 2 weeks and looking at new armor. Suddenly a silver portal opened and appeared Klaus and Mimosa. Behind them was a very familiar looking male.

"Yuno." Ash bowed to Yuno as she saw the black haired male. He's expression was the same even after the months she and him hadn't seen each other. Smiling underneath her mask, Ash looked at Mimosa who was surprised Ash knew his name.

"Ash, it's been a while." Yuno stated dully.

" You are friends with him? " Mimosa questioned, her eyebrows furrowed as she was confused at Ash calling him by his name and Yuno greeting the dark red haired female. "Since when do you make friends? You've always been a cold and unfriendly so it's a bit surprising."

Ash scowled and shook her head and looked at their new senior. He looked thoroughly annoyed that they were talking and she rolled her eyes at him. "You look upset Klaus." She pointed out briefly and the gray haired male sneered at Yuno.

"I would have preferred that we weren't working with a commoner but it appears I have no choice in the matter." Klaus said rolling his eyes at Yuno. Ash pursed her lips and looked at the older male, she was annoyed at him to say the least. Most nobles are stuck up and she was considered royalty so her family more so looked down on commoners. But she hated it, no matter who it was, besides Yuno and Asta both made it into the Magic Knights, not every commoner can do that. The harshness of Klaus's words seemed to aggravate Ash.

Clenching her fists she took deep breaths to try and restrain herself from trying to hurt Klaus. "The bathroom's on fire!" Some guy screamed and Ash whipped her head around to see a man fleeing from the building behind the four. Her widened and she muttered under her breath as the four ran towards the fire. Fyre screeched as Ash ran to move anything that was flammable away from the fire as Yuno reacted quickly to put it out. Ash's hair was blown to the side from a busy of wind and she whipped her head around to see Yuno not even using his grimiore to put out the flames.

A wide smile appeared under Ash's mask hiding her happiness at seeing Yuno's familiar wind magic once more. It has been a while since she had seen it and it seemed almost calming to be in the black hair mage's presence. "That's amazing." She whispered under her breath as her flames disappeared.

"A very simple task for someone to do even a child could do it. " Klaus grunted and pressed the rims of his glasses up. Ash rolled her eyes and looked around the Golden Dawn was beautiful that's for sure. It was comparable to the royalties homes.

"You know the fact that Captain Vangence, chose Yuno means he isn't like a regular......commoner." Ash hissed through her teeth. " Doesn't it mean he is impressive and has some thing worth bringing to the Golden Dawn?"

Klaus looked down at Ash and rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't say I approve of you either." He said before turning on his heels and walking away from the trio. "Follow me and I shall show you to your living spaces."

Ash scoffed and glanced at Yuno who was looking at the former burning area and then at her. She gulped as she turned away from him, he wasn't stupid that was for sure. He bound to find out anyways it was just a matter of when and where. There was no reason to hide it, the uncontrollable power she had, she just wanted to show someone like Yuno she could be a worthy ally for a Wizard King. She would have to try harder if she wanted to prove to him that she was a skilled mage. 

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