Chapter 2: 8 Years

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 "Again!" The girl shouted as she was knocked back wards. She dug her shoes into the ground to stop her from skidding too far. Wiping the sweat from her brow the girl created a fire ball in her hand and launched it at the Silver haired man. In her other hand she held a sword and charged at him as her hand was covered in flames.

"Your sister would be disappointed. You lack protection." He mumbled as the liquid mercury blocked her attack and he attacked her in return. He sent waves of mercury towards her knocking out her flames and her sword out of her hand. Nozel threw out another attack that kept swiping at her. "In battle you must remain diligent and calm, you also must know when you are out matched so you can call for help. Though I've never needed help in the past. " The girl growled and dove past the attack and picked up her sword.

Ash swiped the sword at the blobs of mercury but every time she hit it, the blobs would reform back to the state they were in before. "Pull out your grimiore!" Nozel ordered. Ash mentally face palmed herself. Idiot! You got your grimiore, use it!

Ash pulled out her grimiore and it looked like no other. It was red with golden edges. But it had the shape of a dragon head on it. "Fire magic! Red Winged Attack!" She said and a pair of dragon wings made out of pure fire appeared behind her. They swiped down and balls of fire flew towards Nozel.

The silver haired captain was quick though. With a swipe of his hand he blocked all of the fire balls and pulled put his grimiore. "Mercury Magic. Silver Rain." He said and the mercury started to fall on Ash.

" Fire Creation Magic! Fire dome! " She said quickly and a dome surrounded her and melted the metal rain that fell on her. But just as the rain stopped her feet were glued to the ground. Ash sighed as she saw her feet covered in Mercury. "That spell is great but it has one weak point." She grumbled.

" You need work on that. " Nozel said as he closed his grimiore and walked away. "You have improved. But if you are to make it in the Magic Knights, you will need to improve even more. I shall be returning to The Silver Eagles now. Practice."

" Yes, sir. " She said as she dipped her head and watched him leave. Fyre was sitting in a near by tree quickly found its place in her shoulder. "Hello. " She mumbled as she pet him. Fyre grew up to be a beautiful bird with his tail of flames and some how lasted forever. Ash couldn't explain it but every 7 years he would burn up into ash and a new baby bird would appear out of his ash. But what was even stranger is that Fyre always returned to Ash no matter what.

Fyre nudged her cheek with his beak and she half smiled. "I better get back to training." She said as she pulled her from more back out and turned to the boulder that was in the middle of the training area. " Fire magic. Fire whip! " She said as a long string of fire appeared in her hands. She raised it up and had it crash into the boulder each time she raised and lowered it.

Lash after lash the boulder slowly started to reduce in size. "Your training seems to be doing well." A voice said behind her. Ash turned to see her two familiar faces.

"Mimosa. Annie. " She greeted them, she put her grimiore away and the whip disappeared before her eyes. Annie the maid who was more of a mother then Ash's own, was smiling proudly at Ash.

"You've gotten so much better! " Mimosa said happily and clapped her hands together. "I wish I had magic like yours sometimes. I always thought yours was so pretty for being really destructive!" She said oblivious that she insulted Ash and yet at the same time she complimented her.

Ash nodded. " I have to work harder though. If I don't, my promise to As a will be broken. And only you can give me a compliment like that Mimosa. " Ash said as she and Fyre walled over to the two. "It's been a while though. I have missed you."

" I have too. It's been since the grimiore ceremony, hasn't it? "

She nodded. " Have you seen Noelle? Nozel never talks to me about her and Solid and Nebra are a pain to deal with. " She questioned.

"No, I haven't. Poor Noelle she can't control her magic. I heard she'll be going to the Black Bulls. " Mimosa said after a thought. "Ash you 're injured. Here let me help you. I just found out that I'll be in the Golden Dawn." She said as she noticed Ash's bruised and immediately went to help her.

"Oh, yeah. That would be nice." Ash muttered, her face was stone cold unlike how she was like a child. She would smile every now and then but she could never find the will to laugh with others nor smile just because she was happy. She held out her arm to Mimosa whose hands hovered over her injured wrist and a soft green glow strates to soothe her pain. "Poor Noelle. I know Nozel is my trainer but the way he treats her is unfair. I think I might have to take the exam though. I hope I'm strong enough. And Mimosa that's really good."

Annie smiled warmly. "I remember when you were just a child and you could barely control your magic, but now look at you. I'm sure all captains would want you on their team." She sighed. "It will be so lonely without you around her to help me. You're like a daughter to me. "

"I know but I need to do this. Ever since I started training with Model and everything I feel closer to my sister and my ancestors. And if I stayed I would be continuing the line of disgrace." She explained as Mimosa release her hand.

" There! It's as good as new! "

Ash have her a small smile. "Thank you, Mimosa. Your healing magic is so strong, I can't wait to see you when your older. You will be the best healer in the entire clover kingdom. " Fyre who was sitting on Ash's shoulder the entire time cocked his head and spread out his wings before flying away. "I wonder where he's going?" She muttered to herself.

" Ash, don't worry he'll come back. He always does. " Annie said softly.

Ash nodded and hugged Annie. "I need to tell you thank you before I go."

"Go! Where in the world are you going?" Annie laughed. "The exam isn't for another 3 ! "

" I know that's why I'm going to be leaving for extra training. I'll be back in three weeks. But There's something I want to do before then. Aza always wanted me to see the ocean and I haven't been out of this place since I was ten and where there is water is where I can go all out and make myself stronger. " Ash explained. "I made her a promise and if I don't keep it I might dishonor her memory."

Annie frowned and nodded. "I can't say I understand but I know that promise you made to her was important. "

Ash closed her eyes and pulled the necklace Aza gave her out of her pants pocket. "I will not fail you." She said quietly. "I should go pack." She said as she suddenly got lost in her thoughts.

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