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Long Ago Before the Wizard King destroyed the Demon

"Demetria!" The little girl with dark red hair called to the other one with dark blue hair. "Come on wait for me! I don't wanna be left behind!" Two small young girls moved through the thick brush cracking and rustling the leaves as they maneuvered through it.

" Ember hush! Come on we don't want to get caught! " The other girl said quietly as she swung her bag over her shoulder. "I heard that in the kingdom they have people living in palaces!" She whispered excitedly.

" Really! Do you think they'll let us protect them? " Ember asked wide-eyed. "I mean it's what we're meant to do!"

" I think so! As soon as we get there we'll make a name for ourselves and everyone will accept as Dragon Knights! " Demetria said firmly. "We are both the age of when our warrior ancestors came to guard the king and queen!"

"For honor?" Ember asked as she cocked her head to the side, she was going and confused why they had to leave their home to go to this place Demetria spoke of; The Clover Kingdom.

"For honor."

"But I'm 10 and you're 14, when did they join?" She asked confused.

" The Elder at home said he joined at the age of 8! "

"Okay! But we don't have a Grimoire yet." Ember asked still confused.

Demetria sighed and shook her head. " Well, we are still the strongest! Even when we are apart we have bested Mother and Father at sword fighting! And even the King! They have to train us and our magic is super strong without Grimoires. " She replied as if it were no big deal. "You'll see, we might be shining someone's boots for a while but I promise you we'll do something great." She gave her little sister a crooked smile and winked at her.

Ember thought for a moment and jumped up and down with excitement. "Yea! That's a good idea!"

6 Years Later

Ember sighed as she fixed her armor and adjusted her sword. She stood in the great hall just standing there. Doing nothing. The castle was amazing and so were the servants. But the King and Queen walked all over the siblings, Ember thought it was because they were the only females that were knights and Demetria agreed with her and they were also commoners.

But this was a new low, Ember stood their for hours on end in the castle wait for something to happen. Which almost nothing ever happened, or if you don't sound the young Prince; show as only 8, kicking Ember in the legs, almost nothing ever happened.

The Royals were snooty and cruel. Some would make Ember clean their rooms and others would just step on their feet as they walked past. Ember started to leave her post and look at the paintings on the wall. She sighed and looked at the King and Queen and their son and daughter. She had never met them because the King said her filth would ruin his daughter's face. "When we were promised to protect the Royals I thought it'd be more interesting." She said.

"You did? How so?" A voice asked behind her. She turned to see the boy in the painting. She quickly got on one knee and lowered her head.

"Sir Lumiere. Please accept my apologies. I didn't mean to insult the royal family in any way." She said as she looked at the ground.

He laughed and helped her up. "There is no need for that. I believe that everyone has a right to their own opinion and should have a say in what they do." He said to her. "But please I wish to know what you mean." He said like she was at the same status as she was.

Ember was taken back for a minute as she faced him. Royalty always made her kneel before them as they spoke and she cleared her throat. "I mean my sister and wanted to protect you all but instead we got stuck with picking up trash and staying in one room for a week." She said. "I am grateful, for this life and armor and swords but I come from another country and they are fierce warriors meant to fight. Not wash someone's horse." She mumbled and immediately looked away.

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