Chapter 4: Yuno and Asta

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Fyre gently out a people from it's beak on the table where Ash was sleeping and nudged her hand. Ash groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She smiled as she saw the beautiful bird and moved her fingers slowly. "Such a beautiful bird." She rasped as she sat up slowly. She groaned and grabbed her side. "Where am I? Feels like I've been asleep for a few days." She groaned.

"She's awake!" Ash heard a child's voice say. She turned her head to see 2 small children leaking into the room. She waved to them and one came into the room and just stared at her while the other one ran out of the room.

"Hello." She said as she looked at the child.

" Hi. " She replied as she looked up at her in awe. "I'm Aruru! What's your name?" She chirped.

" People call me Ash. " She said as she stood up and looked down at her clothes. She only wore the undergarments her armor had and she looked around for her shoes.

"If you are looking for your clothes," A voice said from the door way. Ash nearly jumped out of her skin and she turned to see a tall male with black hair and amber eyes. " We dried them for you. If you want to know how long you've been here. I'd say about a day and a half. "

"Oh, uh thank you." Ash replied as she picked up her boots that were on the ground and put them on. " Can you tell me where I am? " Ash looked up at him and her eyes widened as she saw the mana that surrounded him. Her jaw twitched in excitement and her normally calm composure was hard for her to maintain.

"Hage. Are you okay? You are making an odd face. " He said as he starred at her blankly.

Ash blinked a few times before nodding. "Uh, yea. I am perfectly fine. Just a little taken back at where I am. I was heading to Castle Town. I guess I am a little off course. " She explained as she tried to contain her emotions. Fyre suddenly hopped up onto her shoulder and glared at Yuno.

" That bird is very loyal. The whole time it had spent collecting pebbles for you and watched over you. " He said dully as he ignored the angry bird.

"Yea he is. Where's my bag?" She asked him. "And what's your name?"

He looked to the side as she slipped past him. "Yuno. I think I heard your name is Ash." Yuno looked at her as she walked out of the church.

"Yep. It's short for Ashton but I don't like that name." Ash pushed open the doors to exit the church and revealed a very pretty nun doing laundry and 4 children helping her clean the clothes. Ash turned her head to see her a boy with gray hair shouting about something or other.

"There she is!" One of the children who were in the room when Ash woke u p. "She's awake sister Lily!"

The nun who Ash assumed was Sister Lily walked towards with wet clothes and she smiled. "Hello there, you seem to be feeling better."

"Yes thanks for healing me. I would like to give you guys a donation, but I think I lost my bag." Ash said as she watched Fyre let Aruru chase him around.

"I'm not done yet! " A boys voice yelled and Ash turned to see the gray haired male chopping wood. "I'll cut more wood then you Yuno! And I'll do it faster! I'll become the Wizard King and then I'll marry you Sister Lily!" He yelled at Yuno who was watching him. Ash furrowed her eyebrows at him, she could sense magical presence but this kid had no magic in his body and it worried her. But it would seem he had a grimiore. Asta lifted the and chopped through the wood.

Ash grunted and glanced at the logs of wood next to him. She lifted her hand and four arrow like balls of fire were aimed at the stack slicing through them so quickly that they didn't even start to catch fire. "Sister Lily is a woman of cloth. She cannot marry you." She said as she looked around. " Until I find my bag I want to help you out here. " Asta's new dropped and Yuno looked at the freshly cut wood and a small smirk appeared on his lips. Ash was well aware of Yuno looking at her and she could feel her face ttunr red.

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