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               Andreas never came back for dinner. I was extremely worried but I didn't want my mother to think anything out of the ordinary was going on. Obviously Mia and Mrs.K knew what was going on but didn't seem the least bit worried about Andreas not coming back for dinner like he said.

I'm currently in bed trying to stay up for Andreas. The lights to the master are all on and the house is quiet because everyone else is asleep except me and August.

I sit cross legged on my bed and rub my belly. August has been so active lately.

I think I hear the faint sound of feet walking up the stairs and I crawl out of bed and walk over to the door. I unlock it and open it and look out into the darkness .

"Andreas is that you?" I whisper out into the dark.

I only here footsteps though and no response. I hear the footsteps get closer and squint to see a large figure as it gets closer I can see that it's Andreas and he looks tired.

"Baby?" I say softly as he walks over to me and I can finally see him.

He pulls me into a hug and grabs my ass. I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders.

"Where have you been?" I ask looking up at him

"Taking care of things" he says walking into the room.

I watch him walk over to the dresser drawer and he empties out his pockets leaving his wallet and keys out. Then he pulls out something unexpected. He pulls out a gun and places it next to his keys and wallet.

Sitting and staring at the gun I don't notice him walk over in front of me.

"You look so good carrying my child" he says lowly next to my ear which makes me shiver.

I feel him pick me up and I squeal holding him tight. I giggle but can't take my eyes off the gun.

He lays me down on the bed and gets on top of me careful not to let his weight rest on me.

I look up into his blue eyes and he leans down kissing me on my neck. I smell his musk and his sweat and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You need a shower meine liebe" I say giggling.

"Take one with me? We need to start practicing for baby number two" he says smirking at me.

I look at him like he's crazy "hellllll no" I say "do you know how much back and foot pain I've had?"

"I'll gladly rub them both for you" He says rolling his eyes. "You know I won't be able to resist you after that 6 weeks, I can barely resist you now" he says biting his lip.

I feel him nibble on my neck and he starts to suck on it. I close my eyes and hiss because he gets a little rough.

"Ouch baby" I mumble. I feel him lick the spot that hurts.

He pushes himself up off of me and stands and starts taking off his shirt I stare at him and I notice his knuckles are a deep purple blood red. I get a sick feeling in my stomach, but I push it away.

It occurs to me that I found out that the Krauskopf's are the mafia but I don't even know what their business is.

I watch Andreas as he walks into the bathroom and take this as an opportunity to talk to him. I get off the bed and walk/waddle over to him. He sees me and smiles and places his hands on my stomach.

"He's going to be such a big boy" he says with stars in his eyes.

"Yeah he is, the doctor said he might be around 8 or 9lbs" I say with my eyes wide.

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