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The pain seems to get worse and I try and stay strong. I'm currently at the hospital waiting for my obgyn to come back and tell me what's wrong.

I sit and watch Mark pace the room back and forth. Apparently he already called Mia and Mrs.K. I think he's contemplating on what to say to Andreas.

"Ouchhh!" I say squeezing the railing of the bed.

I see Mark look more worried. He comes over next to me and asks. "Did Luka do anything to you before I showed up"

I breathe out as the pain subsides a little and shake my head no. With strained breath I say "Don't worry I won't tell Andreas about Luka showing up... I know he'll try and find a way to blame you for what's happening and I don't want that..." I say looking up into his worried eyes.

"I'm almost certain he already knows" he says looking off into the distance and walks away.

I focus on my breathing and I see Mark pick up his phone and dial something and put his phone up to his ear.

"Hey boss...she's doing ok—just some sharp pains she's says...I don't know...the doctor is coming back" he says nervously.

I guess he's talking to Andreas.

"Boss... I handled it—-no—-no... nothing he didn't—he... ok... yes sir, see you soon" I hear Mark say.

I sit up and start to ask Mark what happened but the hospital door opens and in comes Mia and Mrs.K... plus my obgyn.

They talk and talk as if I'm not in the room.

"Yes everything is fine, and he's a healthy boy" my doctor says to Andreas' worried mother.

Why is she telling her things before me?? I think to myself.

I start to get a little annoyed and say "excuse me" staring over at them and my doctor.

"Oh yes Miss Naomi, sorry, I ran the tests and everything is fine, since you are at risk for going into labor prematurely please please please take it slow these next couple of weeks. It seems as if you were stressing about something which spiked your hormones" she says coming over towards me, "sometimes if the body feels that it is risky for the baby to stay inside the mother it can sometimes induce labor symptoms and pains prematurely, I want you to get lots of rest and I'm going to say we need to cut back on your daily walks and activities and just relax at home" the doctor says as she smiles at me.

"I understand thank you" I say.

"Your pains should stop in a couple hours, if they go longer than that we will run some more tests" she says and pats my arm annoyingly and walks out.

I watch her close the door and as if on cue Mia and Mrs.K waltz on over to my side.

"How do you feel liebe" Mia asks softly pushing my hair back and out of my face.

"I'm ok" I say dryly.

"Good, Andreas has already boarded a flight and he's on his way home, he should be here tonight"Mrs.K says matter of factly swiping through her phone.

"From now on me and Mia will be getting everything you need and we will be bringing your lessons to you, so you don't have to leave the house" she says and walks over to Mark.

I know that that's best for the baby so I don't get upset. I'm just so homesick for Chicago and my family. The only time I don't feel like that is when I'm out keeping myself busy. It's as if being in the house all day just makes it worse.

Mia comes back over kisses my forehead and says "Get some rest we will handle all the paper work for you, we should be leaving in about an hour"

Everyone walks out of the room even Mark follows leaving me to my lonesome and I take the opportunity to close my eyes.

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