A important message from tomura

699 40 17

Tomura: hey, you, yes you, you little shit

Tomura: since the author knows this is their most popular story, that motherfucker wants it to become even more popular since, this is the Wattpad propaganda...

Tomura: any who! [leans back in chair] it's been quit a ride and you're probably asking  "Hey wtf this should be an authors note!" Well if I know anything it's that you hoes don't read them!

Tomura: so before I bore you death, I know some of you are probably busy, I'll make this quick..

Tomura: can this piece of shit book get to 9k reads? 

Tomura: now, I know you're like  "no wtf" BUT if we can do this, uh good,,,

Tomura: in order to keep your attention, some things will change, don't worry it still going to be good ol Shigadabi content! 

Tomura: But... we are taking suggestions like if you want the author to write 1,000 word chapter just based around Hawks eating chicken or mr compress doing shit

Tomura: it will happen so...

Tomura: uh,, read this shit and help the author she's obviously having writers block

Tomura: so uh suggestions are open,,,

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