Truly Tragic

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A solemn courtroom, in that hellish place held a bunch of butchered bodies. The saddest thing about it was that every corpse held a gun. It was a massacre, the only evidence that could be found was one on of the victims Instagram.  A live stream. The top three pro heroes were killed but on the upside, most of the main notorious villain groups also died. U.A was closed for putting almost all of their students in danger and for them ending up dead. Not a soul dared to clean up the butchered remains of the victims. The courtroom rotted with the stench of bodies. Lmao jk

Tomura: [sits up and puts on a Hello Kitty band aid on the wounds] 

Hawks: [gives his ok sign thing] yolo

Dabi: [stands up and dusts himself off]

Dabi: so if everyone else dead?

Hawks: idk

Tomura: how about we go poke everyone?

DabI:[ shrug] seems legit 


Tomura, Dabi, Hawks: [video]

[all of them shoot Aoyama]

Tomura: ok that's not funny anymore

Dabi: everyone shooting each other was suppose to be funny?

Hawks: suicide is funny?

Tamaki: its hysterical...

Mirio: yeah!

Hado: ye-

Mirio: shut up bitch

Tamaki: shut the hell up

Hado: ....

Tomura: so wait everyone is alive?

everyone: yes

Tomura: [frowns]

Shoto: I wish father loved me

Dabi: shut the hell up

Tomura: ok so... [takes out another gun]


Dabi: [whacks the gun from his hand]

Dabi: no its not

Hawks: [wraps his arms around Dabi and Tomura] how about we get KFC

Dabi: gnarly!

Tomura: radical!

[video plays as they walk out in slow motion before they jump in the air and freeze like every 80s movie end ever]

Kurogiri: [walks in] what did I miss? 

Toga and Twice: [video]

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