Two grown ass men making ships

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Tomura: uh...tea time
Dabi: I have made an elaborate shipping chart of the kids in class 1A.
Tomura: honestly we have nothing better to talk about other than U.A
Dabi: I assure you if I wasn't here you would be ranting about All Might
Tomura: shut up patch face ugly ass mofo-
Dabi: look at the fucking chart Tenko
Tomura: bitch
[cue intro music]

Tomura: what the fuck Dabi: it's free Realestate Tomura: that's a dead memeDabi: damnTomura:

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Tomura: what the fuck
Dabi: it's free Realestate
Tomura: that's a dead meme
Dabi: damn
Tomura: ...
Dabi: you know what my real OTP is?
Tomura: before I swoon and all that gay shit I love you too-
Dabi: TodoMin-
Tomura: you shady motherfucker

Tea Time with ShigaDabiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant