Chapter 32

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"Danvers, we need an assist here," Steve says into his com as he looks around for you and or Pietro.

Across the field, Scott and Hope has successfully powered up the last quantum tunnel, ready for your arrival.

Back with you, you stand and watch the rest of Thanos' ship fall into the water, as Carol comes and lands in front of you and Pietro.

"Hey Danvers," you smile as you hug her.

"Hey kid. You got something for me?" Carol asks as you break the hug and give her the gauntlet.

A sudden, large group of more Outriders and Chitauri appear in front of you and Carol, showing exactly what your up against.

"How are you going to get through all of zhat...?" Pietro asks as he glances at you a worried look.

"Don't worry..." Wanda says as she walks up beside Pietro, placing a kiss on her bothers cheek and then hugging you.

"She's got help..." Okoye says as she comes up on your other side, after the hug.

Then, all the women of the Avengers appear. Including Carol, Valkyrie, Wanda, Okoye, Pepper, Mantis, Shuri, Hope, Gamora, Nebula, and of course... you.

You turn and face Pietro.

"I'm pretty sure this is a girl thing. I'll catch you later, pretty boy," you say seriously as you hold his hand briefly.

As you try walking away, he held your hand tighter and yanked you back gently, making you come face to face with him.

"Come back to me..." he says quietly as he looks down at you.

You look up into his worried eyes.

"I-I can't lose you.." Pietro confesses as his emotions show just how vulnerable he really is.

You take a deep breath and kiss his cheek quickly.

"You won't, I promise," you say as you nod and walk with the woman team towards the army.

When your brief conversation with Pietro ended, he ran a different direction as you turned and glanced at all the girls, that were ready.

All the girls attacked, and took down as many men as possible.

You, on the other hand, used super speed to push through the entire army, with Carol flying in the air beside you.

As you both run through the army together, Thanos quickly stands in front of the smaller quantum tunnel, protecting it at all costs, not letting anything near it.

He ran towards the both of you at ferocious speed, his sword in hand.

Three woman came out from the dust, ready for deal with Thanos.

Hope, Pepper, and Shuri all three combined their powers and knocked Thanos to the ground and making him roll backwards, giving you and Carol the advantage.

"You're faster!! Take it!" She shouted as she gave it to you.

You nodded and ran as fast as you possibly could towards the tunnel.

You were practically in, until Thanos recovered from the blow and threw his sword into the tunnel... destroying it permanently.

The blast was tremendous... sending everyone near it far backwards.

Now, the only way to win was by defeating Thanos head on..

You were on the ground, hurt from close proximity of the explosion.

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