Chapter 29

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*play song, thanks @SHIPPEROFLIFE for the suggestion! On with the story*

"On your left," Sam chuckles as you and Steve turn to your lefts, just now seeing the portal.

Slowly, three figures come into sight, the light behind them making it hard to see.

Once finally close enough to you, you see it was Okoye, Shuri, and T'Challa in his Black Panther uniform.

A long, relived sigh escapes your lips as T'Challa side smiles at you.

Suddenly, Sam, in his Falcon suit, flys above your heads, making you look up to the sky.

You see dozens of more portals beings opened around the battlefield, some in the air and some on the ground.

Through one specific portal, Doctor Strange exits through it. The people at his side consisted of Drax, Mantis and Star Lord. But one figure that you knew would make Tony happy, was Spider-Man... Peter Parker.

His mask retracts as he looks out onto the battle field, preparing for what's to come.

Thanos and his army watches, in awe seeing hero's from all over the galaxy joining side by side along with other hero's in this enormous fight.

Black Panther shouts his war cry to his new, restored, and complete army, as they repeat their Kings words.

Through another portal, Valkyrie in her own uniform sat on top of a pegasus, with the now larger Asgardian army wearing their gold armor.

Wong and the Masters of the Mystic Arts walked through their own portals, also bringing as many sorcerers as possible.

In the sky, several Ravager ships were spotted as well, helping the situation as well.

As more and more hero's arrive, your closer friends come into sight. Such as Bucky, Groot, Wanda, and Pepper Pot, who wore her own iron suit.

Nearly everyone had been magically teleported to the field...

But there was one familiar face you couldn't seem to find...

"Is that everyone?" Doctor Strange asked as he looked over to his friend Wong, who he hadn't seen in a very long time.

"What, you wanted more?" Wong asks, almost sarcastically.

Suddenly, Giant-Man emerges from the rubble of the Avengers facility with Professor Hulk, War Machine, and Rocket in his large hand.

All of the hero's get into their battle positions, against Thanos' rising forces...

Your eyebrows furrowed.

Where was Pietro...?

But there was no time to hug or celebrate with everyone, the fight was the thing that mattered now.

Suddenly, Steve has extreme confidence as he yells to the hundreds upon hundreds of hero's.

"AVENGERS!" He yells loudly as he summons Mjolnir into his hand. 

He clenches his teeth as he whispers...


Everyone screams loudly and run towards Thanos' large army. Thanos lifts his sword and points at all of you, allowing his forces to run towards you as well.

This was it... the final battle...

The two sides collided in absolute war. The sound of space guns and explosions heard for miles on end.

Hero's that haven't even met before joined together to take down this emanate threat.

Giant-man was the first one to send a punch to the Chitauri ship down, only one of many.

Iron Man and Woman, or Pepper Pots, were both in the sky, fighting back to back against the enemy.

Somewhere else amongst the battlefield, Thor and Steve fought next to each other, taking down Chitauri members by the dozens.

As they both summoned a weapon, Thor ended up having Mjolnir and Steve ended up having Stormbreaker.

Thor looked down and Mjolnir and then back at Steve.

"No, give me that. You have the little one," Thor says as he tosses Mjolnir towards Steve as Steve gave Stormbreaker to Thor.

As Thor flies off somewhere else, Rocket and Bucky covered the place beside Steve.

Elsewhere, Tony lands onto the ground, blasting away some Chitauri men.

Suddenly, Black Dwarf, or the big ugly monster that is one of Thanos' children, comes up behind Tony and kicks his back, forcing him to the ground.

Black Dwarf used the knife feature attached to his fist armor and attacked Iron Man, who was covering his body with a small shield.

Preparing for pain, Tony looked away momentarily. As Black Dwarf continued his action, he was suddenly stopped by a pair of webs holding his arm back.

He glanced at the webs, then was pulled backwards onto the ground.

Out of nowhere, Giant-man came and stepped on top of Black Dwarf, successfully killing him.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man ran over to Tony.

"Hey! Holy cow. You will not believe what's been going on!" A teenage male voice said as Tonys helmet contracted.

Peter Parker in his new iron Spidey suit retracted his helmet as he walked over to help Tony off the ground.

"Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? I must've passed out, 'cause I woke up, and you were gone.But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, "It's been five years. Come on, they need us!" And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time..." Peter trailed as Tony shook his head.

Tony walked towards the young boy and hugged him, not currently caring about the fight around him.

"What are you doing?" Peter asks for a minute, before going quiet and hugging back.

"This is nice," Peter says as he smiles lightly.

Somewhere else along the battlefield, you fought alone, all by yourself.

Of course you were focused on the fight but...other thoughts flooded your mind.

What if he didn't get snapped back?

W-what if he doesn't want to see you..?

What if... he doesn't want you anymore......

You felt your heart break into a million pieces. As your attention went towards your family, your focus on the enemy fell completely.

An Outrider knocked you to the ground from behind. You yelp in pain as their sharp claws dig into your silk skin.

Every outrider around you piled onto your small body, making you scream out in pain.

You felt every pinch, scratch, bite from them.

You were ready to give up when suddenly... a blue and silver blur runs around your body, killing every Outrider even close to you.

As you watch the devil dogs die, a familiar scent came to your nose.

No, not the smell of blood and death... but a oh so familiar cologne you haven't smelled in 5 years.

"Did you miss me... princess?"
1117 word count. Until the next chapter my hero's😘😘 -Kay😜

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