Chapter 2

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Nebula walked up to the sleeping Tony and sighed. She kindly picked him up and sat him in the pilot seat and buckled him in.

As she walked away, she looked down.. Dealing with her own grief.

Hours later.. Tony was slowly woken up by a bright light. The sun maybe? No..

Tony's eyes flickered as he put his hand up to cover his eyes from the light.

Once his eyes adjusted to the majestic light, his jaw dropped.

In front of the hull of the ship, was the one and only... Captain Marvel...
You sat in a rocking recliner, rubbing your 2 and a half month old stomach that was just now beginning to grow slowly.

You smiled as you thought of what about be happening right now if he was still here.

You and Pietro would be laying in the couch, him rubbing and kissing your growing stomach, his whiskers tickling your sensitive skin. Your fingers running through his bleach hair as you and him pick out baby names.

A tear slips down your cheek as you play with the beautiful engagement ring around your ring finger.

"How are you?" Tasha asked as she walked into the living room. You quickly rub away the rouge tear as you smile.

"I'm okay, so is the little one. How about you?" You ask as you pat the small bump on your stomach, lovingly.

Instead of answering.. Nat was cut off by the entire facility starting to shake. You and Nat quickly run outside, you not using speed due to the baby, and stand, watching the sky.

You notice Rhodey, Bruce, Steve, Rocket, and Pepper also standing in the front yard. Your mouth fell to the ground as you realized what was going on.

Captain Marvel set the Benatar down on the ground. The stair case erupted from the side of the ship, revealing an extremely skinny Tony and Nebula.

As Nebula helped Tony down the stairs, you lightly jogged over to Tony and hugged him tightly.

You couldn't help but let a few tears fall as you hold him close.

"I couldn't stop him.." he whispers. "I know Tony.. I know. We couldn't either. It's okay.." you whisper back as you pull away from the hug.

"Is Pep oka-.." before he could finish the sentence, Pepper ran and engulfed Tony in a hug. They kissed longingly.. the pain of your missing significant other slapping you in your face once more.

Eventually.. you all made it back into the facility where you all went to sleep. Except for you of course.

While everyone else slept, you were wide awake. You quickly walk into the lab room and start searching on anything about Thanos.

Was there any clues that you've missed? Where is he hiding? Question after question raced through your mind as you stayed up hours upon hours.

Eventually you try making coffee.. wondering if it would help.

"Y/n.." a groggy voice says. You didn't scream, let alone look up. You knew who it was... she was always the one to pull you into bed.

"Y/n, sweet heart, it's time for bed.." Natasha says as she walks over to you and rubs her eyes.

"Can't sleep," you deadpan as you keep on the computer.

"Honey.. you made coffee in a freaking Ramen noodle cup. It's time to sleep.." Tasha says as she pulls your hand towards her room.

Usually, she would set her alarm to come and get you, and you would eventually give in and end up snuggling to sleep next to her... but tonight was different.

"I-I did it!!" You say as you jerk your hand away from Nat's grip. "I found where he is!!" You squeal, feeling confidence come over you.

"What?" Nat asks, now suddenly awake. "He-He used the stones two days ago on another planet. I-i tracked the stones!!" You say as you hug Nat.

She hugs back and jumps up and down slightly. You smile and laugh before a yawn over takes you.

"Let's get to bed. We can tell the other tomorrow.." Nat smiles as you both walk to her room and fall asleep.

Ever since you lost Pietro, you had to sleep next to someone. You always hugged him during your sleep and it comforted you.

But now you were alone, and didn't like it one bit. Nat was always there though... you thought about how thankful you were for her as you drift to sleep.
The next morning you woke up to voices in the main room. They were loud so you had to listen.

"It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth," you hear Rhodey say as his prosthetics creek.

"World governments are in pieces, parts that are still working are trying to take a seances. It looks like he did... he did exactly what he was going to do. He wiped out.. 50% of all living creatures.." Natasha says as Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, starts to tear up, seeing Nick Fury was lost during the dusting.

"Where is he now?" Tony asked. You peeled up and out of Tasha's bed and quickly got dressed in formidable clothing.

"We don't know, he just opened a portal and walked through.." Steve said, making you paused for a moment, but then continuing.

Tony swiveled around in his wheelchair as he sees Thor in the room next to the meeting room.

"What's wrong with him?" Tony asked as he pointed to Thor.

"Meh, he's pissed. Thinks he failed.." Tony's face was priceless seeing that a raccoon can talk just as if he was a human.

"Which of course he did but there's a lot of that goin'round ain't there?" Rocket Raccoon said as you walked out of Tasha's rooms and towards the convo.

When you walked in, a few look at you while others didn't even spare a glance.

"Honestly until this exact second I thought you were a build-a-bear," Tony said as he stared at the creature.

"Maybe I am.." Rocket said as you sat in an empty seat.

Rocket immediate stood and came to sit in your lap. You weren't shocked.. ever since the snap, you and him have gotten close. He would sit in your lap right in front of your baby bump and guard it almost. He would growl at anyone who came near you... As the conversation continues, you play with Rockets fur and pet his soft ears.

"We've been hunting for Thanos for 3 weeks now. Deep space scans and satellites.. and we got nothing," Steve said as he paused for a moment and looked at Tony.

"Tony you fought him-," "Who told you that?" Tony snapped back.

"I didn't fight him, no.. He wiped my face with a planet while the Bleaker Street magician gave away the stone. That's what happened.. there was no fight-.." Tony says, his voice getting a bit louder.  "okay.." Steve mumbled.

"He's unbeatable..." Tony says as his emotions flash through his eyes. Fear, disparity... no hope whatsoever. You hugged Rocket closer to you as he rubs his small head against your larger head.

What now?
1192 word count. Until the next chapter my hero's😘😘 -Kay😜

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