Chapter 31

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"Give it to me," T'Challa says as his helmet retracts.

Clint quickly hands the gauntlet over to T'Challa and then joins the fight himself.

As T'Challa runs through the battlefield, he takes down multiple men and creatures that were on his tail for the gauntlet.

He jumps into the air and brings his fist to the ground, his kinetic energy built up in the suit, once again, saving him from surrounding enemies.

As he began running again, he was suddenly knocked to the ground by a powerful two edged blade, knocking the gauntlet out of his hands.

The blade boomerangs back to Thanos as he lunges towards T'Challa.

Before he could get to Black Panther, a powerful woman appeared in front of Thanos.

Her eyes glowing with rage and hatred towards the mad titan.

"You took...everything from me," Wanda growls through her clenched teeth as Thanos looked at her, unimpressed.

"I don't even know who you are," Thanos says as he charges towards her.

"You will," she says snappily.

Her eyes brighten, red hue practically glowing from them as her hands become filled with red, glowing power.

As she lifts herself off the ground, she brings large, balled up pieces of rubble with her.

She manipulated the rubble and shoots them at Thanos, causing him to fight with all his might.

As he dodges the rubble thrown at him, Wanda shoots her own energy pulses at him, forcing him to shield behind his blade.

T'Challa, on the other hand, quickly ran towards the gauntlet, but a sudden force began lifting the rocks and rubble underneath it into the air.

Ebony Maw was manipulating the earth to bring the gauntlet to himself.

T'Challa jumps towards the gauntlet, successfully grabbing it, but the rocks also wrapping around his body as well.

As T'Challa struggles, he looks for another option... until one opens.

"Hey, your highness!! Down here!" You shout at T'Challa as you stop underneath the tall tower of rocks and debris.

The king glanced down at you, making sure you were a good guy.

T'Challa, upon seeing it was the smartass verizon of Steve Rogers, tossed it down to your small figure, making Maw scream out in anger.

You laugh happily as you look at the gauntlet, while super speeding through enemies and creatures.

"Hey babe, up for a game of hot potato?" You question in your com, waiting for Pietro to reply.

"I'm alvays up for a game," Pietro replies as his body is suddenly next to yours in the 'speed force'.

You and Pietro split up, but still close enough to each other to toss the gauntlet back and forth to each other.

Every time an Outrider or Chitauri man would try to grab the gauntlet from you, you'd toss it to Pietro while you fought off whatever was trying to harm you.

As you and Pietro had a bit of fun, playing hot potato, Wanda was busy with her own plans.

Thanos raises his blade and brings it down on Wanda powerfully, but Wanda is stronger.

She uses her powers to stop the momentum and slowly push away Thanos' blade, to the ground.

Wanda quickly lifts Thanos into the air, using his armor around him to crumble into his thick skin.

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