Chapter 3

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"Did he give you any clues? Any coordinates? Anything?" Steve asks, persistently.

Tony grunts lightly and makes a fart noise sound from his mouth as he gives Steve a thumbs down.

"I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision and I didn't want to believe it. Thought I was dreaming-," "Tony I'm going to need all of your focus.." Steve cut him off.

"And I needed you. As in past tense. It trumps what you need. It's too late buddy, sorry," he shrugs towards Steve. He sniffs his food on the table and rolls his eyes.

"You know what I need?" Tony almost yells as he throws his bowl of food to the side of the table, knocking it out if it's perfect setting.

"I need to shave.." Tony trails as he stands up and out of his wheelchair as he rips rips out his IV. "And-and I remember telling all of you guys.." Tony continued.

"Tony.." Rhodey said trying to calm him down.

"Why but otherwise what we needed was a suit of armor around the world.. Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedom or not. That's what we needed," Tony argues as he takes a shaky step towards Steve.

"Well that didn't work out did it?" Steve said with a bit of sass. Your breath hitches as the men fight.

"I'd say we'd lose and the CHILD said we'd do that together too!!" Tony yells the word 'child' as he looks directly at you. You gulp as Rocket stands with a growl rumbling in his throat.

"And guess what guys..we lost. You weren't there.." Tony points at Steve. "She wasn't there..." Tony points at you and then looks around.

"None of you were.." Tony whispers with a permanent frown.

"But that's what we do right? Our best work after the fact that we're the AV-engers. We're the A-vengers. Not the PRE-vengers!" Tony starts to get upset.

"Okay.." Rhodey says as he tried to lightly sit Tony down, but refuses. "Right?!" Tony asked, pushing the matter further down your throats.

"You made your point now sit down.." Rhodey says as he tries once more to sit Tony down, to no avail.

"Okay.. no no.. here's my point-," "I said sit down!" Rhodey says forcefully, yet again.. he fails.

"We need you, you're new blood. Just a tired old man I got nothing for you Cap. I got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options, zero, zip, na da. No TRUST! Liar.." Tony says as he gets into Steve's face.

Okay.. now it's gone too far. You stand from your seat gently, letting Rocket hop down to the ground. You speed walk over to Tony and place your hand in his right shoulder.

"Tony I need you to sit down before somethin-," "No.. take this," Tony cuts you off. He tears his arc reactor from his chest and places it in your hand.

"You find him and you put that on... you hide," Tony says as his eyes droop lightly. Tony falls to the ground, but you with your speed lightly caught him and set him down softly.

"Tony!" Rhodey called as Tony held onto one of your arms. "I'm.. fin-," before he could finish he passes out on the ground.

Swiftly, Steve pick him up and carry him to the medical bed. You swallow hard as you watch Bruce take over and gives Tony a sedative. Rhodey walked out of the med room and into the lounge, where everyone else was at.

"Bruce gave him a sedative.. he's probably, going to be out for the rest of the day," Rhodey informs the group. You nod, understanding he wasn't going to be a part of this.

"You guys take care of of him and I'll be right back.." Carol says as she starts to walk out of the room.

"Where you going?" Steve questioned, inquisitively. "To kill Thanos.."

Everyone got quiet and quickly followed Carol.
"Sorry hon, but you're not going NO where without me," you say as you cross your arms.

"Agreed. We usually work as a team here and uh, between you and I, moral is a little fragile," Natasha says as she stands beside you.

"We realize up there is more your territory, but this is our fight too," Steve deadpans.

"You even know where he is?" Rhodey questions. "I know people who might," Carol shrugs.

"Don't bother-," "I'm with smurffete on this one. I tracked him down," you cut off Nebula and smirk almost evilly. Everyone looks at you, intrigued.
"He's on a planet called 'Planet 0057-3'. Creative huh?" You say as you pull up a hologram of the planet.

"Have you been messing with my stuff?!" Rocket asks surprised as he jumps on the table.

You smirk. "Maybe," you shrug as he rubs his furry face.

"Thanos has spent a long time trying to perfect me. And when he worked he talked about his great plan. Even disassembled I wanted to please him. I'd ask where we'd go once his plan was complete. And his answer was always the same..." Nebula says as she pauses. She walks over to a table and leans on it.

"To the garden.."

"That's cute, Thanos has a retirement plan.." Rhodey mumbles from his seat.

"If he was anywhere he'd be here. I traced the power of the stones to this planet, he used them two days ago.. it's gotta be the one," you say as you tap the table with your pointer finger.

"So he used the stones again..." Tasha said with a frown. "Hey, hey, hey, hey... we'd be going in short handed you know," Bruce says concerned.

"Look he still has the stones so-," "-So let's get him. And use them to bring everyone back," Carol cuts Rhodey off.

"Just like that?" Bruce asks. "Yeah, just like that.." Steve replies.

"If there's even a small chance that we can undo this, I mean we owe it to everyone who's not on this room," Natasha adds as you nod in agreement.

"If we do this, how do we know it's going to end any differently than it did before?" Bruce asks. "What's you with the questions..." you mumble.

"Because before you didn't have me.." Carol answers Bruce. Everyone looks at her.

"Hey, new girl. Everybody in this room is about that superhero life. And if you don't mind my asking, where in hell have you been all this time?" Rhodey snaps. You run over to him, slap his arm and run back to your original place. He mumbles an 'ow'.

"There are a lot of other planets in the universe, and unfortunately they didn't have you guys," Carol answer. A small scoff was heard from Rhodey.

Suddenly, Thor stood from his seat at a small table and stalked over to Carol. She turned to faced him, her emotion unreadable. Thor lifted his hand and called Stormbreaker to his open hand. The sound was loud, and the axe flew right by Carols head. She didn't even flinch, only a small curvature sketched onto her lips into a smirk.

"I like this one..." Thor approved as he smiles a bit.

"Well Cap?" You look at him. His arms were crossed and his look was determined. You knew the answer before he even said it.

"Let's go get this son of a bitc-"
1234 word count. Until the next chapter my hero's😘😘 -Kay😜

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