Chapter 9

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Tony looked at you and shook his head.

"Do NOT pull that card on me Y/n. You're the only one in this group that would truly understand how dangerous this is.." Tony says as his eyes gloss over.

"Tony... Listen to me. I know what you mean, and I understand you're scared. But you have Pepper, together.. you have Morgan. You have a complete family. I don't.." you whisper the last two words.

Everyone held their breath at your bold statement.

"I have two little ones to take care of... and they haven't even met their father, and they won't ever until you get off your ass and do something about it. Until then... my children are fatherless..." tears prick your eyes as Tony looks away, guilt washing over his like a wave crashing on hard rocks.

A long period of silence hit immediately. Everyone knew how you felt about Pietros death. Every time someone would mention the ones dusted, you would leave the room. Hearing you talk about it surprised everyone.

Little feet hitting the wooden floor broke the silence.

"Mommy told me to come and save you," Morgan says as she comes and sits in Tony's lap.

"Good job, I'm saved," Tony says as he lays his head down on his precious daughter.

Another pair of feet, much faster then Morgan's, comes running up to you.

"Mommy, Lane pushed me and now I got a boo-boo," Tracie says as she shows you hear small elbow.

"I'm sorry honey. I'll kiss it to make it better," you say as you kiss her small scrape, that didn't even draw blood. Tony stands from his chair, with Morgan still in his arms.

"I wish you came here to ask me something else, anything else. And I'm honestly happy to see you guys it was- oh and the table is set for 9-,"

"Tony.." Steve says quietly. Tony pauses in front of Cap and listens intently.

"I get it. I'm happy for you, I really am. But this is a second chance..." Steve says, hopeful he could change Tony's mind.

"I got my second chance right here, Cap. Can't roll the dice on this one. If you don't talk shop you can stay for lunch..." Tony says as he walks into the cabin.

The four of you exchange saddened looks. As they walked back to the car, you called for your kids.

"Tracie! Lane! Time to go sweethearts!" You call as you peek inside the cabin.

The two were immediately at your side. Lane had purple lipstick over his lips and his cheeks were covered in artificial blush. You laugh at the sight of your pouty son.

"Did Tracie and Morgan put this one you honey?" You laugh as you bend down to him.

His little arms were crossed and his lip was pouting while Tracie was in a giggling fit. You kissed the top of Tracies head and stood up.

"Go to great paw paw," you say to Tracie. She smiles and happily runs over to Steve, who picks her up in his strong arms.

You bend back down to Lane and start whipping all the makeup off with your shirt.

"Maybe this wouldn't happen if you didn't push your sister, honey," you say, with a smile still gracing your face.

Lane just continued to pout, not saying a word until after you were finished.

"She started it.." he says, with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh really now?" You laugh as you take his hand and walk towards the group of Avengers.

"He's scared.." Tasha said, talking about Tony.

"He's not wrong," Steve added as he walked towards the driver seat.

"Yeah but-But What are we gonna do? We need him, what are we gonna do? Stop?" Scott asks a bit impatiently.

"No.. I want to do it right," Steve says with a sigh.

"We need a BIG brain.." you say with a slight smirk.

"Bigger than his?!" Scott asks.

"Who's ready to go see uncle Banner!!" You chant to your children.

"YES!!" Lane says with a punch and a small kick in the air.

"MEEE!!" Tracie adds.
The sound of Tracie crying rang throughout the restaurant.

"What... in hell... is... this..." You say, your words completely taken.

You sat in a booth with a teary eyed Tracie in your lap and Lane sat beside Scott on the other side of the booth. On the opposite side of the table was Natasha and Steve.

"It's good to see you guys!!" Bruce says, his voice booming, making Tracie scoot closer to you in your lap.

What had happened to him?!?

Bruce, was now the Hulk... but still Bruce. Bruce was talking from the hulks body.

"C'mon, I feel like I'm the only one eating here. Try some of that. Have some eggs!" Hulk Banner said as he pushed a large bowl of eggs towards you.

Tracie jumped back while Lane gladly took the bowl and a fork and chowed down. Scott making sure that Lane didn't take a bite too big.

"I'm so confused.." Scott says as his mouth hangs open.

"These are confusing times," Bruce shrugs with a smile.

"Right.. no no that's not what I meant," Scott says as he slows Lane down from eating too fast.

"I'm kidding- I'm KIDDING! I know it's crazy! I'm wearing t-shirts now!" Bruce says, his giddy attitude not changing over the years.

"Yeah yeah... umm really quick question! How?! W-why?" You ask as Tracie hugs into you even closer, if it was possible.

"5 years ago, we got our asses beat, except it was worse for me. Cause I lost twice. First the Hulk lost, then Banner lost. Then, we all lost," Bruce says as he swallows a large bite.

"No one blamed you Bruce," Tasha says, boldly.

"I did. For years I've been treating Hulk like he's some kind of disease, something to get ride of. But then I started look at him as the cure 18 months in the gamma lab I put the brains and the brawn together. And now look at me! Best of both worlds!"
1022 word count. Until the next chapter my hero's😘😘 -Kay😜

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