Let's Get One Thing Straight (Hehe) High School Sucks

Start from the beginning

As the teacher called names, Jungkook anxiously watched other kids present.

Jungkook even admits himself, he can get stage fright, and he hates presenting.

"Okay..Jeon Jungkook, it looks like your next."

He heard a couple laughs, but that was only from the guys sitting in the back corner.

They hated Jungkook for the grades he had, and because he was dating Taehyung.

Which Jungkook obviously didn't care as he walked up to the front of the class.

As he started to present his PowerPoint, he notices the boys talking to Minhyuk.

Oh, fucking great.

He continued to present and only stuttered on a couple of words, but after that all went well.

After class ended though, did things go downhill.

As he was walking to his locker, he heard Minhyuk calling after him.

"Hey Jungkook!" He yelled as he put his hand on his shoulder.

Jungkook moves and took his hand off. "Don't touch me." He mumbles as he opens his locker.

He then sensed somebody behind him and turned, seeing the guys from last class.

All 4 of them were around him, and well, he was more nervous than his PowerPoint.

"S-So J-Jungkook, h-how are you?" They teased, obviously teasing him for the one time he stuttered.

Jungkook shrinks back. "What do you guys want?" He mumbles, his insecurities coming back up again.

"How could someone like you date Taehyung? He's a lot better than you, you know?" One of them said and jungkook just looked down, hearing the bell that class had started.

"T-Taehyung's not l-" he tried to say before he was cut off again.

"Well, I wouldn't want to be with someone this ugly either. Taehyung is down to break up with him one of these days."

Okay, now he felt tears in his eyes and he held his bag close to him.

Was this true?

No, no Jungkook, Tae loves you. He does.

"Jungkook? Why are you even here? Just because you're smart and have a nice body doesn't mean you get to do everything you want."

Okay, that one hurt.

"B-But.." He starts and his voice cracked.

Minhyuk smirked to himself. "Aww is little Kookie gonna cry?" He teases before looking at the others. "Come on guys, he's not worth our time or anyone else's anyway."

Jungkook stares at the ground and he sniffles, he then opens his locker and puts all his stuff in it.

He didn't care, he was leaving.

As he then felt tears going his cheeks, he walked out of school.

And he was going straight to Taehyung's house. Which he was always invited too. Always.

As Jungkook started to cry, he thought about what they said.

What if he doesn't actually love me?

He knew he looked like a mess but he then walks into Taehyung's house, not seeing him so he then went up to his room, immediately opening the door.

Taehyung was laying on his bed, watching something called, well he didn't know, he was actually scrolling through his social media.

He jumped when he heard the door open but he then saw Jungkook and frowned. "Kookie..?"

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