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Artemis sat on her bed at the cave, thoughts consuming her. She trailed a knife along her arm, the pulled it up hovering it over her artery. 'If it wasn't for Mom and Ollie I would,' She thought.

'But what about them?' A voice in her mind hissed. It was her of course, but a much darker aspect of her. 'Ollie will be fine without me. He's only known me for a couple months. Why would he care? And he would help take care of Mom, or at least put her somewhere safe. I decided to do this years ago. Stop being a miserable wimp and just do it! I know that I want to! So do it, you coward! Do it! Mom would be the only one that would miss me!"

"Megan," Artemis' thought sounded like a whisper. Megan would miss her, right? They were close. But the voice was right. Only Megan and Mom, possibly Zatanna and Bette would miss her.

She cut her wrist and got up, grabbing a bottle of pain meds from a drawer of her dresser. 'At least I'm not doing this at home. I'd hate for Mom to be the one to find me.'

She dumped a small handful of the pills into her palm and raised it to her lips. She was about to put them in her mouth when her door flew open, slamming into the wall. Her hand was flung away from her mouth and the pills fell all over the floor.

Artemis looked up to see none other than her Mars sister. "What the h***, M'gann?!"

"What the h***, Artemis!" Megan snapped back. Artemis was surprised by her friend's response. Megan never swore unless she was really, really upset.

"I just... I just... I don't know! I don't f***ing know, ok?!" Artemis stuttered, getting back on her bed and grabbing her knife, which was out of her hand in a second. Megan sat down next to her, pulling her into her lap.

"Hey, hey, it's ok. It's ok. I know that you're upset. Why are you upset? You're usually a happy person."

"It's called depression, Megan. I don't know why I'm upset. I just... sometimes I think that I don't want to be alive, and that people wouldn't miss me if I did, so why not? I pretend to be happy, but I've wanted to die for years."

"Well you shouldn't."

"No sh**, Sherlock."

"You need help. You actually need help."

Artemis glared at her. "You can not tell anyone. Clear?"

"Clear. But I am telling Canary and your uncle."

"No, you are not."

"Yes, I am. You need help. Whether or not you want to accept that."


"I know it's fine." M'gann stood up.



"GA isn't my uncle. He made that up so you guys wouldn't question how he knew me. He didn't even meet me until the day before I joined the team."

"So they let a relative stranger join the team?"

"Pretty much."

Megan laughed. "They trusted you enough for that? That's impressive. Goes to show how awesome you are."

Artemis cracked a small. "I guess."

Megan grabbed her hand. "C'mon. Let's get you to the infirmary and patch you up, then tell GA and Canary."

Artemis reluctantly nodded and allowed herself to be dragged out of her room. 

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