Not Much Time (Spitfire)

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Suggested by BeautifulHiccstrid. Sorry that it took so long to write! I hope that you like it!

Artemis felt a shard pain in her arm as her father shot her with something. She stumbled back.

Wally noticed. "Artemis!"

"I'm fine, Wally. I'm fine." She went back to fighting.

The team captured the bad guys, of course, and headed back to the cave. About halfway there, Artemis put her head in one of her hands, massaging her forehead. "Artemis, are you ok?" Megan asked.

Artemis nodded. "Just a headache. I'll get over it with some advil and sleep."

"You sure?"

Another nod.

Artemis was extremely dizzy by the time they got back to the cave. She sucked it up though. She didn't want to show weakness in front of her friends.

After standing for ten minutes reviewing the mission with Batman, Artemis felt like she was about to pass out. What was going on?

"Artemis got shot in the arm with something and is still bleeding," Kaldur said. "It's not bad, but she needs it bandaged."

Batman nodded. "Kid Flash, take her to the infirmary."

Wally nodded and walked her to the infirmary. Halfway there, her legs gave out. The intense pain in her head spread to the rest of her body. She started to black out.

"Artemis!" She looked up to see Wally moving to pick her up, and then, nothing.

Wally sat in a chair by Artemis' bedside. He was stressed out about her. Batman walked in.

"What's wrong with her?" Wally immediately demanded.

"The needle that she was shot with contained an extremely strong poison. It has the ability to kill a full grown man within twelve hours. And given that Artemis is rather small, definitely not the size of an average sized man, it will probably only take six to do her in. It's already been two hours since she got shot. That only leaves four hours. And we still need to find out what the antidote is, and we don't know how long that will take."

Wally nodded numbly. Batman left. Wally squeezed his girlfriend's hand. "You'll be ok, Babe. I promise. You'll be fine. You're tough! No poison will kill you. You're too stubborn." He insisted to his unconscious girlfriend. All he got in return was a movement and a groan of pain before she succumbed to the pain again.

An hour later, Batman and the Flash came in the infirmary. "Please dear god tell me you found an antidote."

Flash and Bats exchanged looks. "We did," Barry said. "But it's on an island in Indonesia. It will take at least an hour to get there, even after you Zeta there. That's two hours at my top speed. It's like an hour and fifteen minutes, two and a half for you at your top speed. You'll be lucky to get the antidote back here in time. You know that I'd do it, but I can't with this broken leg."

Wally stared at him determinedly. "I can do it. I'm sure of it."

"You're completely certain?"

"What if it was Aunt Iris, Uncle Barry?"

Barry sighed. "I'll send you the coordinates. You have to leave the second you get them."

Wally nodded. "I love you, Babe. You're not about to die on my watch. I promise. You'll live to die another day in a gazillion years, my beautiful little spitfire." He whispered in Artemis' ear, tucking a stray stand of her hair out of her pale green face.

Barry typed something and the screen on his sleeve lit up with the coordinates. He took off for the tubes, typing in the closest tube to where he was going. He teleported away.

The second he arrived, he took off. He was still low on fuel from the mission, but he needed to help Artemis. He ate an energy bar, still running. A while later, he glanced at his watch. It had been forty minutes. Not much time left.

He sped up, forcing himself to go as fast as he could even though it exhausted him. He grabbed the antidote and took back off to the Zeta. He teleported back to the cave, still at full speed, despite the feeling that he'd collapse. He handed the medicine to his uncle, who immediately put it in a syringe. The antidote was injected into Artemis' arm. Seeing her safe, Wally passed out.

He woke up an hour later. He sat up, instantly looking for Artemis, quickly finding her still out on another gurney. "How is she?" He asked, surprised at how scratchy his voice was.

"She's fine, thank god," Black Canary said. "She slipped out of her coma and into a peaceful sleep. She'll wake up soon. She was going faster than we expected. It only took you an hour and a half to get there and back. That saved her life. She was almost dead when you got back here an hour earlier than expected. If you had gotten back when we expected you, she probably would've been long gone."

"Good thing that I got back when I did then." Was all Wally could manage to say. He got up and walked over to his girlfriend, dizzy, and slipped into the bed with her, and fell asleep. They both woke up a few hours later, snuggled close. An annoyed Ollie gave them some breakfast. The two cuddled and ate.

"Thanks for saving my butt, Baywatch." Artemis said.

"I'd do it anytime, Spitfire." He gave her a kiss.

"I love you, Wally."

"I love you too, Arty."

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