Tigress- Part Four

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For BatMacKarma_WarHawx, and Artemistigress. I hope you all enjoy! Sorry that it's short 

Tigress bent two fingers in a "come and get me" gesture. Kid Flash grinned and started running circles around her. He suddenly turned himself to the side, ramming into her. They both fell and started grappling. She slipped something into his hand before kicking him in the head, knocking him off of her. She pointed her katana at him.

"Two opinions, Kid. You run away, or I run you through. Which do you choose?" She stated.

Wally pretended to think about it. "I choose... none of the above." He kicked her legs out from under her. "Sorry!" He brought his foot down on her face, knocking her out.

The team ended up having to retreat, but they got what they came for. "You got it?" Kaldur asked.

Wally held up the flash drive that Artemis had handed to him. "Yep."

"Great!" Robin said. "Now let's get back and report to Batman."

"You got the drive?" Batman asked when they got back to the cave.

"We sure did!" Wally handed it to him.

Batman nodded. "The mission was satisfactory. Go hit the showers. I will get the information off of this."

The team dispersed, boys to the showers and Miss M to her room. Batman plugged the flash drive into the cave's database.

The folder popped up on the screen, and Batsy opened it, and typed in the password. Inside the folder were plans, blueprints, and subtly taken photos and videos of meetings. Almost all of these were related. They had to do with the max security prisons, Lian Yu and Belle Reve.

Batman's eyes grew wide, realizing what was about to go down. In two days, the League of Shadows, aka the Light, was going to break into two of the world's securest prisons. In two days, some of the world's most dangerous prisoners would be released. In two days, the world would be in far more danger. But if, and only if, the Justice League didn't stop them first.

This was major. And to think if they hadn't recruited Tigress as a double agent, they never would have known about this. Batman thought that he would make sure that that girl got a serious reward for this. She knew that if she was arrested, they would have broken her out. Instead, she became a double agent. That was a huge decision. Suddenly a thought stuck him: huge, yes. Also incredibly dangerous. If she got caught... well, it would not turn out well for her.

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